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My very first fill-in-the-blank Friday #


Okay, Okay, since I'm new to "blogworld" I am really bad at wanting to post more than once a day. And since it's Friday...Why the heck not?


1. My favorite thing about this week has been today when I got to have lunch with my husband and friend from work. We got FREE "Frosties" from Wendy's and I got a new, cute, and CHEAP watch! Yummm & Yayyy! :)

2. The weather this week has been hot, humid and rainy. The absolute worst.

3. The last (interesting) item I received in the mail was an invite to a wedding from people we don't know. LOL?

4. The last movie I saw was Sex in the City 2 in theatres, and When In Rome on Netflix!

5. If I could be doing anything I felt like today I would be at home rennovating the house with hubs. I love it!

6. As a teenager I was an over-achiever, and involved in everything-sports, counsils, clubs...You name it.

7. I wish I could trade lives for the day with ...Rachel McAdams. I adore her.

Okay, so I'm done for the day! Haha! :) Have a fantabulous weekend everyone!


post circle 6 comments :

  1. I usually always post more than once a day too. Oh well! I usually don't post any on the weekends so I feel like I'm "making up for it". That's too funny about the random wedding invite? lol.

  2. Lol so good to know :) Love it! And I know...I don't know how to respond back??? Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  3. Ah, I love Rachel McAdams too. She is not only adorable but also very talented. One of the best actresses I have seen in awhile! Have a wonderful weekend! TGIF!!!

  4. Your blog is so cute!
    Please follow me @
    Thanks, Nicole Mariana

  5. Hey sweet girl! Just stopping by to let you know you're one of my "Featured Followers" this past Friday. I love this fill in the blank stuff - I'm going to have to join in next week!!! Hoping you're having a relaxing weekend and a great week to follow!

  6. Tatum- Hope you have enjoyed your weekend as well! Love your blog and your engagements! So precious!
    Nicole- Thank you so much! I will def. follow you :)
    Stephanie- Awww thank you so SO much! :) I'm so excited! :) You made my day!
