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I love FDN +


What's FDN? Why, that's Family Date Night. Almost every week, or every other week, or when time allows, my husband, his twin-sister, and I get together for Family Date Night. Most of the time, we meet at Jason's Deli, but last night we went to my sister-in-law's apartment and had cheese, wine & crackers. It was so much fun :)
Ash & Rusty :)

I'm really not a big drinker, quite frankly, I'm horrible at it. I get sick so easily, at times my husband thinks I'm allergic. I can't drink A LOT, and it never goes down very good.

However, last night, I actually found a wine that I could drink easily, and after one glass, I was good. I wasn't drunk, I promise, but I sure was silly. I called my friend Jenni on the way home (check our her blog: to discuss weekend plans. She was skyping with her friend Keshia, so they put me on speakerphone and we chit chatted for a minute. When I got home, I posted this on her facebook:

(None of the conversation below is meant to be preverted. I also say two "not so nice words" so I apologize in advance to those of you who could get offended :))

Me: Sorry for interupting yours and Keshas skpye date :) hahahaha love youuuu. See you this weekend u SLOR(slor+whore) after I coordinate Ellen Degeneres' stylist's weddingggg! Ahhh!

Keshia: hahaha get skype shay and you can 3 way with us!

Me: Okay so I have had some wine. I meant SLOR=Slut+Whore. AND I am Keshia. I mispelled your name as well. I am on a role tonight. Grammar=FAIL.

Me (again): Or is it roll? Lmao! I am going to bed now.

A few minutes later Jenni posted on my wall.

Jenni: hahahaha oooooh wine how i love when shay has some of you-tomorrow go read what you wrote on my and keshia laugheddd HARD!!!

Me: Lol Lesson learned. Facebook and wine do NOT mix :)

Moving on...


You have to see this. It gives me chills & tears all at the same time. Watch the whole thing, at the end with the signs are my favorite :)Ladies, not every guy is this creative, but we sure can wish they were right??? ;)
You may need to turn my music off at the bottom of the page.

Well done, sir. :)

&&& now here are the pictures from Day 5 of our CrUiSe: Day at Sea

Us about to go get in the HoT tUb because it was overcast :(

Mr. Frog.

At dinner, with our waiter Suparta :)

Our last dinner :( I sure do miss eating like that every day! Ha!

Me & Drew Drew Hot Pants ♥


Cody having a good time at the dance club. He never dances. Ever.

We did a little dancing too :)

We all met a little friend :)

Noooo! Does this mean vacation is OvEr!? :'(

Saying bye to Catheryn :(

Going back to NYC ;( Hopefully we will get to visit soon :)

Missing Catheryn :(

Somebody was just a leeeeetle bit sleepy :)

WELP! That was the end of our trip :) We really had a good time, and I can't wait to go on another one in the Eastern Carribean. My first cruise was my freshman year in college. We went on a Royal Carribean Cruise Ship and our stops were Key West, the Cayman Islands (but we didn't get to get off of the ship due to the tide), and Cozumel. My second cruise was a graduation present from my friend Amy, the friend that got engaged in yesterday's post. It was a Cruise to Nowhere (just three days on the ship) thanks to Hurricane Ike. And then there was this cruise, and also my husband's first cruise. The stops were Progreso' and Cozumel.

Royal Carribean Cruises are more fancy, in my opinion. The crowd is a little older, but it's very nice. I have only been on the Carnival Ecstasy (both times) and it's an older ship. It's more of the "FUN SHIP." So, if you are looking for a FUN time, I say go on Carnival. If you are looking for a more relaxing experience, I say go with Royal Carribean. They both will ensure a good time :)

Hubs and I want to go on a cruise in the Virgin Islands. Not sure when, but hopefully sometime in the next few years.

I'd also like to take a minute to THANK EACH AND EVERY FOLLOWER for following me. I get so excited when someone finds my blog somewhat interesting. It means a lot, and I LOVE getting comments. You guys are all so sweet!!! :)

Well, I guess that's it! :) I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!


post circle 9 comments :

  1. You and your hubby are just too cute :) Glad y'all had so much fun on the cruise!

  2. OMG! I have tears in my eyes from that video as well. Here's my question - where in the world did he find all those guys to do that with him? There is NO WAY my hubby could convince his friends to do that just so he could propose. LOL That was great once.

    Once again - love your pics. Looks like a blast!

  3. Haha that's a funny Facebook conversation you had after a glass of wine :) Makes for good memories!

    Looks like you guys had a lot of fun on your cruise!

  4. That proposal is amazing. Tears in my eyes for sure.

  5. You are ADORABLE! I love that you don't handle your alcohol very well -- I'm in the same boat. Super cheap date 1 glass and I'm 'fuzzy' as I call it =) FB and wine do NOT mix =)

  6. Oh my gosh, that video is adorable!! I absolutely loved it

  7. facebook & alcohol DONT MIX lol
    and what a hilarious video!!!

  8. Ha! That facebook convo absolutely cracked me up :)

  9. Oh that proposal is one for the books! AMAZING!
