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De-Stress $



I don't know about you, but I am the STRESS queen. I stress all the time, every day, all day. I make lists, and rarely get things crossed off because I spend most of my time stressing about stress which then makes me more stressed.

Just having a stressful couple of days, so I thought I'd share this article
and who knows? Maybe it will help you de-stress. Lord knows I need all the help I can get right now in this department.


This is quoted exactly from the article btw.

So, if you feel like your stress level is high, try to tick off some items on this list. A little effort now means a lot less stress, later.

Go to bed thirty minutes earlier than usual.
Get up twenty minutes earlier than usual.
Before you go to sleep, prepare for the morning.
Bring a hat and an umbrella.
Don’t wear tight clothes or uncomfortable shoes.
Make a list.
Listen to a favorite song.
Keep extra cash and stamps in the house.
Be polite and be fair.
Laugh out loud.
Have a good book to read.
Keep an extra set of keys.
Always keep your passport in the same place.
Throw something away.
Don’t say mean things about other people.
Put a Bandaid in your wallet.
Keep gas in the car.
Pay attention to someone else.
Make your bed.

It seems so simple right?

Hope this helps all of you stressed out lovelies.

What are your secrets to rid the stress? I'm listening! :)

post circle 6 comments :

  1. I am the biggest "Stress-meister" ever. Thanks for the list!!

  2. When you actually analyze this list, you realize that by doing just some of theses things, you could actually make life easier! Great post!

    ~Romantic Savy
    Hope you enter my give away!

  3. I need to remember these de-stress hints!! I feel like even when there's more than enough time to get things done, I don't feel like I've accomplished enough.

  4. I am all about this! These are really awesome tips, thanks. :)

  5. Oh man, I am the same way....stress stresses me out and makes me more's a vicious cycle! Great article and tips, now if I can just implement some of these! :)
