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Misc. Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am sorry for lookin' so dang good here. I can't help it.

Happy MONDAY! :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Wedding.
My cousin got married on Friday (that's hubs and I getting ready for it at the top of the post) and so we took off work early, and drove 2 hours to watch my pretty cousin walk down the aisle. Here are a few pics from the evening...
I had a hot date, I know! :)
If it wasn't for this girl right here...then I would have never met my husband. We have been friends since kindergarten.

Saturday, besides editing pictures, I cleaned house, and went to lunch at Kerbey Lane in downtown Austin. Excellent food. They have EVERYTHING you can imagine. You must go if you are ever in town. Your taste buds will be doing the happy dance.
I then had a senior photoshoot, and then we met up with a friend from work for his birthday. We went to Buffalo Billards, and then to Esther's Follies! Such a fun show!!! I have never been before, but I have a feeling I will be going back again, and again...and again. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. It felt good. Abs of steel baby! (haha, I wish)Photobucket

3. Sunday Sunday, besides doing things around the house, and editing more pictures, I had another senior session. Hubs cooked (scooooooooore!) and I gave my furbabies a hair cut! Check out Furlee's rear-end.
Precious right!?!?!? :) So round and fluffy! Lol! Please don't tell him I showed you though...he might be embarrassed.

Piper wanted me to show you his haircut too...

Clean little fellas. I used human conditioner on them because I ran out of the dog conditioner. I don't think it is good for them? But they felt SO soft regardless! :)

4. Excuse me, Mist?
Hubs bought me some Alabaster body mist from Banana Republic! I LOVE IT! It's not too strong, and it makes me feelsmell like a woman...& not a teeny bopper! I call it my "grown up spray."

Well...It's Monday...that's all I got.


post circle 17 comments :

  1. Your first picture cracks me up, and can I just say I love that pink dress on you! Congrats to your cousin! I'll be in Austin again visiting my fiance in May and I am going to take him to Kirby Lane...looks delish! Looks like you had a successful and fun weekend!

    Liesl :)

  2. You are so gorgeous!!! I want your hair! I'm trying to hard to grow mine out and I think it is frozen at the length that it is now. :(

    You look fab in pink, by the way!!!

  3. You look gorgeous in those pictures from the wedding -- pink is a great color on you!
    Your pups look adorable =) Ruger would NEVER let me cut his hair -- but then he would look silly with shorter hair haha =)

  4. hahah that first picture is hilarious. it pretty much sums up my life

    that pink dress looks so amazing on you. you are so gorgeous!

    glad you had a super dee duuper weekend :)

  5. Love your pink dress from the wedding!

  6. LOVE that dress! And that pic of you and hubs is adorb!

  7. Oooh I love Kirby Lane! We went to eat breakfast there 2 mornings in a row the last time we were in Austin. DELICIOUS!!

    I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but your pooches are too cute!

  8. Sounds like such a relaxing and great weekend. That is a great picture of you and the hubs! Ya'll look so good together!

    Have a great day,

  9. I think it's totally ok to use people conditioner on animals...
    If it wouldn't make him ill, I think my mom would look our dog eat a table with us.

    love the pink dress you wore to the wedding! did you add the belt or was it a 2 for one deal?
    I think you could have made quite a splash at the wedding if you had worn the big T and basketball shorts hahaha


  10. That 1st picture is amazing:-) Haha, story of my life every morning! xoxo

  11. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

    I'm loving your pink dress!

  12. Your dogs are so cute, and the first pictures makes me laugh, it's so random!

  13. I love love LOVE that picture of you and your hubby from the wedding. You guys both look great!

  14. you look so dang hot in that top pic - grr - i'm loving those shorts! ;)

    and you look just as glam in that pink dress - i am fully of envy over your hair!

  15. I've never heard of the Banana Republic spray! I'll have to give it a sniff! :)

  16. Me and Matthew go to Kirbey Lane ALL. THE. TIME. It's a little bit of a running joke with us... we often say we need to try more new places, but Kirbey Lane is guaranteed to be good every time, so we tend to end up there A LOT!

    Also, we've been wanting to go to Esther's Follies!! Your rave review sealed the deal. :)
