post circle

What went down last night.


Hugs and tears.

Faith and fears.

We are going to be okay.


post circle 29 comments :

  1. I've heard Dave Ramsey is awesome! (But God's even "awesomer". ;) God provides in ways we never imagine. He's pretty cool like that. The more I trust Him, the more He shows me.

  2. We just got married and were leant a Dave Ramsey book from a friend. We hammered out our budget yesterday but not without sweat, blood and tears (okay I'm kidding about the blood).

  3. I can't wait to hear how this goes...I am so intrigued by this! My husband would have a hard time committing to something like this (not like I wouldn't) but I will be interested to see how it goes for y'all!

  4. I love Dave Ramsey! And am going to make it a point to go to his Financial Peace University. LOVE LOVE him. I used to listen to him all the time on the radio before Dr. Laura came on :)

  5. ahhh Dave Ramsey. My fiance' has read his stuff and is trying to get me into it. He called me at work one day and asked if I have paid off all my debt and started an emergency fund. I didn't know what he was talking about until he told me he was reading Dave Ramsey's financial peace.

  6. YES!! We're starting the same series at our church next week! I can't wait!

  7. I have heard of Dave Ramsey but not this! This is definitely something my fiance and I will look into...we were just talking about budgets and I almost had a nervous breakdown. Please let me know how it goes!

  8. Trying to get my husband into this now so we can get it together!! How is it so far???

  9. I have his book. Apparently he works wonders!

  10. I just started on Sunday! We are all in it together!

  11. I'm lost! What is this?!

    what ever it is, it must be awesome :-) you guys are so cute on the couch together too <3 <3


  12. Ooooh I've heard so much about Dave Ramsey! Hubs and I really need to get this!!

  13. Dave Ramsey is the! You just have to follow it just as he says. Good luuuuck!

  14. You are (going to be okay that is).

    Bisous :)

  15. I feel like I need to do this!

  16. I've heard a lot of great things about it. We are pretty on budget but it probably wouldn't hurt us to do it and put more in savings!!!

    Good luck!

  17. ive heard so many good things about him.....i need this!

  18. I have his book! I have learned SOO much! You are going to love it

  19. I am getting married next year and I heard that Dave Ramsey is really good, I am going to look into getting this now!


  20. We are totally doing this next week. My parents turned us on to DR and I'm so pumped to get down to business. I'd like to move past the hard part straight to the debt free and financially happy part though.

  21. Now I feel left out and lost...who is Dave Ramsey? He seems to be a big deal from all these comments I'm reading.

  22. It allllll works out :) Love you dearly and can't wait to get down there!

    Sabrina Says

  23. love dave ramsey! sooo helpful!

    I'm a new follower of your blog!

  24. good for you! so glad you're doing this! i'm sure it will reduce so much stress. please share yourthoughts about it!

  25. GIRL- this guy is no joke...and I PROMISE it works. It is NO fun a lot of the times, but we are doing it and its working! Keep it up! XO

  26. will u give me the cliff notes version?

    and do all the dollar conversions into pounds?

    thanks a bunch.

  27. I LOVED FPU..we did it about a year ago and it seriously changed the way I think about money. I hope you guys find it to be as beneficial as I did. Just found your blog via Story of My Life. Love. Xo, Katie

  28. i'm so excited to see how this goes for you! ive been looking into it for a long time and just havent taken the plunge! update us on how you like it please!!
