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Bad Blogger.



I totally intended on recapping about Erica and Sabrina's trip to Austin today...however, I forgot my phone at home and the majority of my pictures are on it SO it will have to wait until either late tonight, or tomorrow. I am so so sorry.

ALL I CAN SAY IS OUR BLATE THIS WEEKEND WAS TRULY AMAZING. I feel so blessed that they chose to come visit me and even more blessed that I had the opportunity to meet these down to earth, kind, talented, and beautiful ladies.

If you want to see a recap by Erica, please go here. Besides almost seeing my yaya, it's an amazing post! :) I truly had the best weekend with these two ladies. I loved them both so much and found it really hard saying goodbye at the airport on Sunday. I didn't want them to leave :( I might have shed a tear or two. Oh yes...I am the true definition of a girl sometimes...yet I guess that's a good thing. :)

I am so sorry for the lack of posting. This past week I've been working my arse off to get the guest bedroom and bathroom in sleeping and bathing condition for the girls, on top of work, editing, a work promotion (yay!), meetings, and of course the amazing BLATE!

Love y'all! I'll be back soon with the recap. Promise! Stay tuned!


post circle 17 comments :

  1. oh my gosh. that picture is AMAZING. haha it is SO cute. seriously love it. so happy yall had an amazing time and that they are both normal gorgeous girls and not creepy old men.

    seriously this blogging thing... is kind of AWESOME.

  2. so glad you 3 had an amazing time. I love the pics you did :) I will have to go check out Erica's post. Sounds like so much fun!

    Jess {from the kentucky priss} is coming to visit me in a week and I'm so excited!

  3. annnd THAT is a pretty awesome diagram, not gonna lie. I think you could take over my job here as a designer at the house of booze =)

  4. Wow! Love the graphic you made, it's too cute. What program did you use?

    And how far are you from the DFW area? I am moving to Northlake next Thursday! :)

  5. HAHAH omg shalyn...I'm stealing that graphic and probably printing it out no are amazing!!

    had teh best time in the ENTIER WORLD with you and sabs!


    id text u now but u forgot your phone...MERRR


  6. So glad you three had fun- that is so great you guys got to get together!

  7. Sounds like such a fun weekend! Can't wait to see more. Make sure you stop by my blog for my first foodie giveaway. It's a good one. Happy Wednesday! :)

  8. Congrats on your promotion thats awesome.

  9. can't wait to read your take on the weekend!!!! Still a little upset I didn't get to go, however, next time count me IN.

    I heard that drew drew hot pants was a big hit with the ladies. But I mean, duh.

  10. Congrats on your promotion, doll! Thats awesome! OMG...sooo love that picture! Too friggin' cute! How did you do that?? So happy to hear y'alls Blate was awesome! Erica's post def made it sound like you girlies had an awesome time! Can't wait to go on my first Blate!

  11. this illustration is adorable. i cant wait to read about all your festivites. i am so jealous (in a good way) of your lil blate. :-)

  12. I'm actually happy you didn't all post at the same time, the same day... because then I may have actually died. Seriously.

    I wuv you oodddlleess... and that pic you designed rocks my socks

  13. i just came over from Erica's blog and it looked like you guys had SUCH fun! Yay for blogging friends.

  14. You are too cute, but how dare you forget your phone with all your pictures! Just kidding!!! :) I just returned from my week in Austin and at FUN!!! What a lovely city you have filled with so much to do and endless food and restaurant options!

    Liesl :)
