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WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY CRAP. January is flying by! I swear this year JUST started but I've been in go-go-go stress-stress-stress mode for the last 10 days. Work is crazy, therefore, my free time is ... well, for the time being, non-existant. Which then leaves very little time for this blog. SAD face :( is right. I'm currently working on my time management "skills" right now because I feel like I spend most of my time actually THINKING about all I need to do, rather than just knocking it off the list one thing at at time. Sounds easy...but not when you're overwhelmed! Am I right or am I right?

That said, here's what I've been up to in bullet points because it's easy. Muhahahahaw.

1. I wish I looked like this. Can I please have this body? mean that would require good genetics, veggies and fruit only, and work out religiously? Ummm... how unfortunate.

I really need to make a hair appointment. I keep thinking I want to change it up...ya know, maybe go a strawberry blonde? Reddish like Isla Fischer?
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Yeah? No? Funny thing is I used to HATE red hair. It's totally growing on me though. I will probably regret it though if I do decide to change it. Ah. I need hair-balls. (no, not hairy balls).

2. I turned my friend Shawn into a banana.
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3. We booked our snowboarding trip for the end of this month. Can you say SUUUUUUUUHWEET!?!?!?!? I am pretty stinkin' pumped. I can't wait to hit the slopes.

4.I love him.
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5. I love it when I see this. You know, he claims to hate these dogs. However, I know deep down he has a soft spot for them.

6. I've been eating rasberries and blueberries like it's going out of business. Obsessed.
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7. I can't stand pumping my own gas. I literally hate it. That may make me spoiled...but Drew always gets gas for me. So, as you can see, my light came on and I got stuck with it. I wasn't very happy about it. Haha.
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9. Did I mention I love this man? Bc I do.
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10. Drew and my Sam's Club Card. Keepin' it real people, keepin' it real.

11. I should have been in the movies. I'm soooo good looking.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone AppUploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

12. Love how when I eat chocolate I instantly feel better. Haha, gotta love Dove.
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13. Drew and I in HEB Sunday. He might have been watching football all day.

14. I shot my first wedding of the year on Saturday.
I was on my feet from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Sista was TIRED. I felt like I got hit by a MAC truck the next morning. That said, I started jogging today. Don't know how long I'll stick with it. Maybe another day or two? Haha. Sadly, this is a true statement. :) LOL. I don't lie.

15. A friend and me at work...working? Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App GUMBALL HELMET HEADS!

17. Furlee is Team Jacob. He loves to howl...especially after I howl. We are so cool!? :)

18. Drew's birthday is on Saturday. :) He will be the big 2-6! MAN we are getting OLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see my family and friends! It's gonna be fun even though I have no idea what we are doing to celebrate.

19. Yep. This pretty much sums me up at the moment. Lookin' fly. hahaha
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20. I'm obsessedddddddddd with these songs. I keep listening to them over and over.
Middle Finger by Cobra Starship ft. Mac Miller on Grooveshark
Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye on Grooveshark

That's all for now. Have a fabulous week lovers!

post circle 23 comments :

  1. Oh my gosh, I love that video of Furlee howling! He is SO ADORABLE! Maisy loved it too...she was mesmorized by his cute little howl!

  2. I think strawberry blonde hair would look pretty!

  3. Come to Oregon...have your gas pumped for you all the time! ;)

  4. Sorry your life is so hectic at the moment - I hope it calms down soon so you can have a but of a break.

    LOVE your Costco card - priceless! (and adorable :)


  5. This post cracked me up!
    1. ideal body? screw that! I like food too much- plus, I was not blessed with skinny genes.
    2. Totally dye your hair red! I, too, need to grow some hair-balls and just dye mine already. too bad i'm broke and within a few months my blonde roots would be growing out and I would be too poor to fix them.
    3. Ummm I DREAD pumping gas! I'm too afraid to do it alone! I worry i'm going to blow myself up!
    4. Work? What's work? jk jk

    Anyway, I clearly appreciated this post. I think it's because I LOVE lists!


  6. Okay Shay.. When is your life EVER slow paced?! You always have so much going on! On top of everything you do you manage to keep up an amazing blog, love your husband with all your might and take AMAZING pictures that I drool over.

    Yeah. You're my most favorite ever, Just sayin :)

    THanks for all you do and for sharing youe life with me (and the rest of the blogging world, too). You mean SO much to me and I wish I could be there for your bday and for DDHPs bday as well! We would have SO much fun. No Doubt!

    Love and Miss you Shay bay fay may lay pay nay ray. (Say it fast) :) I might have had a few drinks.... hmmmm

    Happy Day!

    Sabrina Says

  7. I love your hair like it is, but I'm sure what you decide will look great on you :)

    I despise getting gas. Everything I have to get gas, it's either a) rainy, b) windy, or c) cold. I wish I never had to get it myself, because I hate t so much.

  8. i just love everything about this post. Every single thing!

    What Sabrina said....i miss you guys SOOO much! I wish we could celebrate birthdays together!

    and ill say first experience DDHP toootalllly loves the doggies! you can seee it!!! hahah

    so whens our next dance session, lay on the bathroom floor, gossip/story session time? I think we are due.... ;-)

    love you pretty lady!


  9. HA! These are great. I love your random posts! I think you'd look amazing with strawberry blonde hair! DO IT DO IT.

  10. You write the best random posts...haha I love them!

    I looove your long hair, it's gorgeous.

  11. I love your random posts. Make sure you get some me in with all the business. So important! :) Have a great day!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I LOVE the notes on Dove chocolates. They're just the best. I have one on my desk that says "You worked hard - promise yourself a reward." The little love letters just seem to make the chocolates even better!

  14. Haha, you're me! Everything you just said is what I like to do e-very day (Nacho libre). lol

  15. I love the Sam's club picture! That's the sweetest! You and your husband are so cute!

  16. you warm my heart! and give me warm fuzzies inside! love you and DDHP to no end! oh and my little howler furlee!!!

    so proud of you for shooting your first wedding!

    AND I think you should totally go red - you would look amaze! just think....there are 5 little bloggers that can be your hair-balls the whole time! :)

  17. I love you my sweet Shay Shay!! 2012 will be so good to you!Xoxo

  18. Ya know? I'm a religious checker of your blog, so when you don't post I iz sad, BUTTTT BIG BUTTTTT a post like this makes up for the lost time. I want to hang out with you in real life. Why do you live so far?

  19. I think pregnancy would solve all of your time management problems. Sleep, grow baby, repeat.

  20. I hate pumping my own gas too, I've probably only done it 3 or 4 times since being married for 2 years :) it's ok to be spoiled by our husbands tho

  21. Gosh how I love how much fun you have!!! Love the gumball helmets too...cuteness! I bet strawberry blonde would look lovely on you...and I'm loving that picture of you and your man! Adorable!!!

    Liesl :)

  22. Hi! I'm a new follower...commenting on a week-old post. :)

    I love your hair. I'm quite jealous of it, actually. So, I vote leave it how it is.

    Sam's Club card...hilarious.

    And shooting weddings are no joke. My longest one was in October, and it. was. painful.
