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March Goals & A Playlist


Hiiiiii. Is this thing on? Hold on a second while I clean off the cobwebs that have graced their way on this blog of mine. Here I am a few days late, for the second month in a row, but I've been late for a reason. Good reasons. I also can't say I'm sorry for being MIA, I can't because y'all, February was a really productive month. It was FULL and it was SHORT and it was a month of awkward, weird, and hopefully smart decisions. If not, life goes on, and so does this blog world, but I have been hard at work over here keeping my head down and focusing on getting caught THE heck up. It's been boring, hard, repetitive, BUT rewarding, amazing (really), and just really different than my usual routine.

To be completely honest, at this exact moment, my brain is spiraling. My heart is being tugged in a million directions, my creative side that I've hidden for quite sometime due to lack of confidence is slowly but surely peaking it's little head out, and it's scary. It's exciting. It's scary. It's overwhelming. Did I mention, scary? SCARY because I'm such a yes person, and I've been feeling led by the Lord to do some really random cool things. You miiiight know what I'm talking about if you follow me on instagram! ;) I'm nervous to even say it out loud or type it OUT because I'm afraid of overwhelming myself to the point that I'll spiral into this place that I don't want to be for the sake of losing control. It's really really easy for me to want to do it all, for the sake of pleasing my gut, and my heart (that's loves too hard sometimes) and GOSH. I don't even know what I'm trying to say except I am so tired of holding back for the fear of failing. Hard. On my face. BUT I've never been THAT GIRL who holds back. And if I do hold myself back, it doesn't last long. I'm learning to just be like, WHAT OF IT Y'ALL! :) WHAT! BRIIING IT!

Anyway, I'm sure you might be sitting there scratching your head, or heck, maybe you're thinking "Uhhh. Ok? You're a nut." And I'd have to agree with you there. But I have ideas. I have crazy supportive friends and family who keep pushing me. And I'm just trying to figure out if I even know I want to branch out a little in a few directions to fulfill some natural passions of mine. What's holding me back is my own self. I know what I can handle, and I know that when my plate is full (it's overflowing but in the BEST way y'all) so I'm going to just continue to pray about it and go from there. I feel what I feel, I do what I do, and this is just the craziest journey figuring out that I CAN DO what I WANT in this life. When you accept that, that's when it all starts to make sense and things start to unfold, and blessings start to pour out. The problem is just letting myself accept it. That's something I'm going to marinate in this crazy brain, gut, and heart of mine. Quite frankly, I'm just sick and tired of letting my stupid self doubt cloud the possibilities of my future. GET OUT OF THE WAY SELF. "MOVEEEE 'SELF', MOOOOOVE OUT THA WAY!" (Name that song!) ;)

All that you just read? MY THOUGHTS. EXPLODED. ALL OVA DA PLACE. Welcome to MY life y'all. It's an adventure I tell ya! :) But I know when I'm feeling like this, that it is usually a good thing. And if not a good thing, there is always a really (hard) but great lesson that will be learned eventually that I will be thankful for at some point. Bottom line is...I just need to let Him keep leading the way. I have to also filter what I let in and let Him control the rest. It's gonna be good. It has to be. :)

Anyway, March Goals. Here we go. Oh yeah, I really, ROYALLY sucked big ones in February. But I will be honest and say I made up for it in gray areas I didn't acknowledge that needed to be taken care of and that alone makes me feel accomplished. Tomatooooeeee TOMAAATOooo.

February Goals 
Photograph 4 sessions (I actually did 5)
Continue to Work on Website
Be completely done with my editing by mid Feb and spend the rest of the month prepping for my busy spring wedding season (It's gonna be crazy but so much fun!)  (I got the editing done that happened before February 1st, anyway and that's awesome for this girl! Holla!)
Get my hair done (Getting it done ONCE a year is not okay y'all lol)
Go on a super cheesy, super sweet, super GAGtastic Valentine's Day Date with DDHP
Get a massage (Lawd knows my body is excited about this one)
Exercise twice a week (Don't hate, even exercising period is an accomplishment these days! :))
Start my HOUSE TOUR! :)  Slow start, but I started.
Paint doors in house
FINALLY post my Ryan Ray Photos!!! :)
Attend a self defense class (It got cancelled due to bad weather. I was going though haha.)
Go visit Amanda to work on GLOW and get a workshop date locked in! :)
Sign up for a film workshop (I already marked this off the list and I am peeing my pants excited over here! IS THIS REAL LIFE!?)
Organize receipts (I at least got them in the same box. That was a big accomplishment.)
Pay it Forward (This makes me so happy y'all…I literally do this once a month or so, and I smile the whole dang day! DO IT! You will love it. Nothing is better than making someone smile.)
Finish my Lara Casey PowerSheets (I have started them!)
Have friends over for an editing party (Any takers? ;))
More handwritten notes to friends and family
Figure out our 5 Year Anniversary Trip for March
Find a hip hop dance on YouTube and learn it and then perform it in my living room…by myself because I CAN and I'M AWESOME!
Lock-In Videographer for Branding Video! :)   (DONE, too. See, this is what happens when your goals are posted late! :))
Start Reading The Law of Divine Compensation (Recommended by my DOLL of a friend, Stephanie)
Love More
Practice Listening More (I love to talk, okay! :))
Breathe More
Pray More
BELIEVE good things are about to happen MORE
Oh, and FLOSS every day. (I hate flossing)
And while I'm at it…make out with my husband MORE. #heckyes


Finish Editing ALL February Sessions
Post Ryan Ray Photos
Introduce Hattie (I am embarrassed. I know. But it's staying until I freakin' do it y'all!)
Celebrate 5 Year Wedding Anniversary with my HOT PANTS!!!
Photograph 3 Weddings
Photograph 7 Sessions
Get out in the sun more. My Vitamin D level is so low according to my recent blood work.
Anniversary Photo Shoot
Go to the Kite Festival with Drew
Go to SXSW!!! (Freakin' pumped y'all!)
Explore those new branches I spoke about above
Start the process of changing my BLOG DESIGN with Kelly
Finish my website. Boom.
Pay it Forward
Get my hair did! :)
FINISH TAXES. Gross. Barf. Blah.
Re-evaluate my passion, the things that fire me up, and figure out how to find time to blog more
Start reading The Law of Divine Compensation
Go on more bike rides with my new BIKE with DDHP and friends
Take my dogs on more walks
Enjoy my down time because I set boundaries, office hours, and hope it's respected (So hard for me if I were to be honest. I am human. I need to rest more. I just hope I can train my brain to let me do it with Grace.)
Love the heck out of my man and squeeze his bum all day erry day.
Take a yoga class, and a cycling class because I NEED to get my rear in gear y'all.

I don't know about y'all but I'm gonna MARCH all over these goals y'all. HAHAHAHA. Did I really just type that? :)

What are your goals!?!?!? Share away y'all! :)

Oh and here's a playlist for your workday. You're welcome.

Shaytastic Music Mix 12 by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

post circle 7 comments :

  1. I love your watercolors! I can't wait to see what you accomplish this month! I've been following your journey for a year or two and think your amazing!
    Here's my goals for March:

  2. I need to bring out my bike more too. Take advantage of the California country roads and weather! And go get those goals girly...March on! ;)

  3. You better be out there biking while it's nice! Austin is such a lovely biking community! Makes me jealous way out here in hilly Huntsville!

  4. Whatever your creative brain is thinking about doing, do it!! I know that you've got so much talent, it would be a shame not to share with all of us :)

  5. Such good goals!! & I know that you will find the perfect way to incorporate your water color passion, however you see fit. I had a thought while reading... what if you did a set number of "sales" for each month & then once you've reached those you don't do any more until the next month? I know that seems kind of harsh but, for the sake of keeping your sanity & not spreading yourself too thin... at least maybe that way you could ease into it. & Then, if you get time to do more, do them & put them up for sale individually.... just thoughts is all! Whatever you decide I know you will rock it!! I can't wait to see Mr. Spring come out sooon!!!

  6. Hi there ! You're so prettyyyy

    I really like your blog, keep up the good work =D

    If you want, you can check out my fashion and fitness blog and if you like it, maybe we could follow each other ?

    Hope you'll say yes,


  7. Girllll why have you not posted/recorded that hip hop dance?
