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Summer & September Goals - What It Do


You can purchase the print above here. 

Happy Tuesday Y'all! Thank you SO much for your incredibly kind comments on my last post and for being excited for me. It really does mean so much to this big fat emotional heart of mine. Y'all make my day all day erry day and I MEAN IT. I'm scared to start typing right now y'all because it's been over THREE MONTHS since I last posted my goals. I've been still keeping up with them over here, but I've failed to post them. I'm so awesome sometimes.

The reality is that this summer has been a whirlwind. I have barely been home, my head has been spinning between balancing my full plate of clients, weddings, the watercolor shop, family and friend obligations, and some behind the scenes happenings that I'll be sharing soon with you guys. I would say that "B" word that ends with "USY"... However,  I'm really trying to take that word out of my vocabulary. ;)

Before I go into my goals, a lot of people have been asking about the Watercolor Shop! :) I still can't even believe that this fun hobby has even had the response it's had...But THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT! I actually started to open up the shop in May, but my husband reminded me of how crazy this summer was going to be, and how little time I would have to do them. And he was right. I couldn't balance my photography clients and the watercolor shop at that time, whatsoever, because my photography business comes first and foremost. SO, please bare with me while I get my ducks lined in a row. I still have some deadlines and photography related things to take care of, and as soon as I have some time to come up for air to launch this shop, you guys will be the first to know. I just haven't been home enough to even take orders or get my prints ready to send out. The good news is that we are close and it will be happening in the next few weeks. I have had to keep pushing it back due to orders, my schedule, traveling, and waiting on packing and packaging supplies to come in. It's more work than it looks, I'll tell ya that! :) I just want to wait until I am fully organized and have a moment to breathe before I say, "LET'S DO THIS!" :) Thank you for your patience and understanding as this little side journey has been a blessing for me in a thousand and one ways.

Let's see how I did with those May goals that were forever ago.

Introduce Hattie for the zillionth time (It's really going to happen this month or y'all can come and shave me bald. For reals.) Maybe being bald isn't a bad option at this point. See next goal. 
Get my hair did {screwed up}! :) Happened in June
Finish Blog Design  Done in July/August
Make Website Final Touches
Order Watercolor Print examples from local printers 
Photograph Two Weddings 
Photograph Four Sessions
Attend my friend Amy's Bachelorette Party
Attend and celebrate my sister-in-law graduating and getting her MASTERS from Texas A&M Photograph my first official editorial session for a fashion line - REALLY excited about this! 
Go to bed before 11 PM - Wake Up before 8 AM - Establish healthier sleeping schedule because I am all sorts of messed up right now. Yep. Still all sorts of messed up. 
Work out twice a week - No Shay, the stairs in your house don't count.
Take more work breaks to stretch and de-stress.
Go wake boarding! 
Drink MORE water. I'm getting bad about this lately and my kidneys are starting to kick me.   I TOLD YOU THEY WERE KICKING ME! HAHAHAHA. 
Continue Home Tour IF I am caught up on my editing…which leads me to my next goal…
Find a better system and schedule to balance work, editing, and my fun side of blogging to where it doesn't stress me out or spread me out too thin. I want to get back in a better blogging routine. It's going to happen. I just need to clear my list- baby steps. Didn't happen in May, but it's happening now. 
Pay It Forward. 
Go on a picnic with DDHP and make out with him under a tree or something. ;) YOLO! (I hate this term lol but it just seems appropriate right now.)

What went down in June? 

- Photographed a dear friends wedding in Galveston...with kidney stones, but I didn't know it until the next day. I was just in pain and thought it was a kidney infection. An urgent care, an ER visit, a Dr. appointment, a urology appointment, an x-ray, many pain pills, a surgery, a load of medical bills, and a ton of water and lemonade later... I am good as new y'all! :)

- Photographed a calligraphy class with LH Calligraphy. I also photographed this with kidney stones. CHAMP STATUS WHAT WHAT! I still don't know how I did it, but I did and that's all that matters.

-Photographed a precious wedding in Longview, Texas

-Went on a picnic date with DDHP and celebrated 8 wonderful years of dating

-Drew broke up the tile floors in the kitchen (AKA, BEST DAY EVER)

- Got a haircut and a terrible ombre' job. I'm still needing to get it fixed. You won't be seeing this head on any hair, ever. Haha.

And July? 

-We helped my sister-in-law move out of her apartment here in Austin.

-Visited with family back at home in Jewett / Family Obligations

-Watched a movie with my grandparents (loved this)

-Photographed a wedding in Conroe, Texas

-Attended my sister-in-law's bridal shower in Lufkin

-Photographed an engagement session (had an awesome time), but then realized I locked my keys in my car out in the middle of nowhere, had to call Pop-A-Lock, wait in a booth with a stranger guy for an hour (who was actually really nice lol) and then got a speeding ticket. ALL in a span of 4 hours. Good stuff. I didn't have my brain turned on apparently.

- Photographed a wedding in Dallas, Texas

- BOUGHT A CONTAX 645 FINALLY AFTER FOREVERRRRR (sandlot style) OF SAVING. I cried. I danced. I sang. I made out with it.

- Had dinner with some of my lovely photographer friends

-Got a new washer because our washer broke andddd four days later...

- Had to get our home AC fixed because it leaked water into our hallway and ruined our flooring. We JUST replaced these y'all. Poor DDHP. I am beginning to think this house is cursed. Seriously. Lol. #houseownerprobs

-Got new shoes tires for my car

- Attended my sister-in-law's couples shower/BBQ in Huntsville

-Photographed a wedding in San Antonio

-EDITING GALORE. Literally, hibernation EDIT went down over here. My social life was non-existent. Still kinda is season.

So, I guess you haven't missed anything too exciting. Especially if you follow me on Instagram. June and July were FULL of fun days, bad days, stressful days, and very, very expensive days. Life, you're funny like that. But I still love you more than ever.

Alright- I'm gonna ease back into this. Mostly because this post is already longer than the Nile River andddd if you're still reading, I want you to come over here so I can hug you.

And August?

August was looking to be a simple month about 3 months ago, but all of the sudden it got wham bam crazy-town . I'm okay with it though. There are some awesome things happening this month.

- Launch Blog (DONE SON!)

-Attend my awesome friend Brittany's Baby Shower in La Grange 

-Attend my super cool nephew's 2nd Birthday Party 

-Dinner with my friend Callie because SHE JUST GOT ENGAGED and I'm SO excited for her! 

-I was supposed to speak yesterday on instagram 101 at a workshop, but something BIG came up for the girl who was putting it on and so that is postponed until further notice. It will happen eventually.

-Stand by my sister-in-law at her WEDDING and as her MOH 

-Photograph the brunch at the 100 Event in Dallas

The Glow Workshop Prep / Set Date 

-Attend my friend Emily's Gender Reveal in Dallas because I literally have 26 pregnant friends right now and it's all kinds of crazy and awesome. I AM NOT EXAGGERATING Y'ALL. Drew and I must have not got the memo for baby making this year lol. I am going to be one awesome Aunt Shay Shay. I may be broke (HAVE YOU SEEN BABY CLOTHES!?), but at least I'll be well-trained in baby snuggles. BABIES! ERRYWHERE! And I love it. But I must ask...where is this water everyone seems to be drinkin? ;)

-Fly to Charleston, SC for 24 hours to photograph an engagement session

-Surprise Stephanie in Toronto, Canada and hug her face off

-Photograph two bridal sessions

-Photograph a wedding in Bawwwwston and see my love muffin Erica

-Pay it forward.

-Smile even on the bad days

-Play with Connie (my Contax, you KNOW I had to give her a name) and get acquainted. I'm hoping to send in my first roll of film...Even if it's of a pillow, a stick, dead grass or my pets. It's FILM!

-Shake what my Mama Gave Me!

-Keep up my coconut oil routine... (Y'all....Two Words: COCONUT OIL!)

-Get kitchen floors done (LONG STORY. Can't wait to tell you about it...Sigh...) (They are in my house as I type this redoing the floors.

-Pick the best Fantasy League Football Team EVER (haha) I AM SO READY FOR FOOTBALL! Sundays just aren't the same!

-Order Prints and Ordering Supplies for THE SHOP

And and and...Boom. (This reference is dedicated to my childhood friend, Hilary)

Y'ALL! It's September 2nd. This year is flying by Buzz Lightyear style. Yo clock...chillax.

Here are my September Goals. I'll be surprised if you made it this far! :) 


Photograph Three Bridal Sessions

Photograph Two Weddings

Pay It Forward

Finish ALL Summer Weddings to prepare for a busy Fall season

Repaint Kitchen

Finish Kitchen Floors/Countertops

Go on a date with Drew

Get Hair Done

Clean off Computer Desktops and Organize Hard drives (again)

Organize File Cabinet and DVD backup drives

Join Cycling or Pilates Class on a regular basis

Declutter Home

Clean out CLOSET & Garage

Re-Organize Office (I need a little refresh right about now) :)

Get Cameras and Lenses Serviced/Cleaned

Practice on my CONTAX more (Waiting on my first two rolls as we speak! SO excited and nervous!)

AND BECAUSE THIS POST ISN'T LONG ENOUGH ALREADY! Here's a playlist to get you through your work week! :)

So Shay Mix September by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark

As always, what are your monthly goals??? :) I love reading y'alls!

Peace and Hair Grease Y'all! Thanks for reading how much I've slackalacked. It happens.

*Knuckle Bumps*

post circle 14 comments :

  1. Whoop whoop!! Even with the stuff still on your list, the amount of things you get done make me tired just reading them... :) haha girl you amazinnn. You inspire me to take on more things by myself and just do it! Thanks boo. Also, I needed a playlist today and this is on point. We miss y'all tons and hopefully we can all play soon!!

  2. Umm you have certainly not been slacking!! You have been an insanely busy woman, woman!!! Give yourself a break!! Reading this just makes me tired for you! Haha! I'm so sorry to hear about the A/C & the floors!! Ours actually leaked the other day too & almost made a big mess! Scary stuff!! Wish you guts could be done with that house & move to a not-so-cursed one! Lol! Sooo glad to see you back here... Even if it is back tracking over the last 3 months - I love it!! Muah!! Big hugs to you my friend!! I want to hug your neck!

  3. Shay! Oh wow. I have loved following all of your adventures on Instagram this summer. How sweet that you surprised Stephanie for her birthday! And what a perfect time to kick all of these goals off. There's something about changing seasons, right? I can't wait for the house tour and all the fun things you have coming up! On my goal list: gather the courage to go ombre, research and planning for my own business, LOTS of football, LOTS of best friend time, and celebrating five fabulous years of dating my wonderful boyfriend :)

    Couldn't wait to get home from work to read your new post- love having you back!

  4. Busy woman!!! Can't wait to see the floors!

  5. YOU ARE AWESOME SAUCE!! Aka Wonder Woman!! Also such a great read, totally giggled the whole way through haha I heart you!!

  6. Very exciting! Can't wait to see the big reveal!

  7. I think we've established this multiple times already but this playlist just reaffirms that we are MUSIC SOULMATES FOR LIFE.


  8. Survive this semester! I think it's funny how my one class for PR is my least intensive class. That class'll be a piece of cake (but I guess that's what happens when you are a PR major!)! Can't wait to see your watercolor shop, they're all so pretty!

  9. I feel like I need a nap after reading through your summer lists! You go girl- you're rockin' it! I've so enjoyed keeping up with your blog and IG this summer and seeing how many opportunities God is opening up for you. You seem like such a sweet person and are a great example of what working hard and dreaming big can do :)

  10. I love the quote / art at the top of this post. Is a print for sale? If this is not your work, do you have a source?

    Thanks!! :)

  11. Second the above comment on the quote! Share the deets! ;)

  12. Ahh, you were in San Antonio??? Let me know if you're ever back in town, I say we dance partayyyy it up!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
