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Free FALLin' # & I've been tagged! :)


Okay...Yes...I have to...I'm sorry, I just have to!


Okay, I feel so much better now. It's officially FALL so THE booty dance was completely in order! :)

I love FALL! It is by far my favorite season. It still isn't the temperature I desire, but I have noticed a slight difference in the air, the acorns in my backyard are falling, and I've noticed a change of color in the leaves. Sometimes I wish I could live on the East Coast or somewhere up north during this time of year.

Back in College, I went to Philadelphia for a PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) conference in October. The weather was absolutely beautiful! I remember the color of the leaves, the crisp cool air...UGH I wish I could bring that to Texas RIGHT now!

Anywho, I don't have much to say today since life is pretty much work, eat, sleep, & repeat. Although, last night I had dinner plans downtown with an old friend from elementary and junior high. It's restaurant week in Austin, so we had reservations and all that fun stuff. It was really nice catching up on the past 10 years or so, and the food was really good!

Also, AMBER from The Survival Guide For The Young, Fabulous, & Newlywed tagged me to answer 8 questions, so here I goooo:

1) What is your favorite thing about being in a relationship with your boyfriend/fiancé/spouse?

This is actually a really hard question to answer because there are SO many things I adore about our marriage. He is one of the sweetest, most caring individuals I've ever met. Our relationship is absolutely wonderful. I love that we are able to be husband and wife, as well as best friends. I'm not trying to brag I swear, but we understand each other so well. I think one of my favorite things about being in a relationship marriage with my husband is that we always have fun together, and that we communicate so well with each other. I love our love. It's so real and one of a kind. He is my best friend.

2) If you could go anywhere in the world for an entire week with your girlfriends, where would you go and why?

Well, since I've never been and have been wanting to go foreverrr, I'd say NYC. There is so much to do, so much to see, and it's electric even in pictures...I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to actually visit. Hopefully one day :)

3) What persona were you in high school: Miss Popular, The Sporty Girl, The Book Worm, Etc.

Hmmm...I'm really bad at answering questions about myself because I hate coming off like I am this, or that, blah blah blah. But I like to think that I was pretty well rounded. I tried (atleast I believe I was) to be nice to everyone and had a lot of friends, I played volleyball, basketball, and softball, and I also made good grades. So, I guess I was a mixture of all the above :)

4) Have you ever been stereotyped in any way? What did you have to do to overcome that stereotype – or are you still struggling with it?

Hmmm, I really don't know. Maybe? I'm sure we all have been at one point in time. I guess I could have been stereotyped as a goody goody pageant girl growing up, but I never was stuck up or a prude. Moving to California helped me become more laid back and open my eyes from the small little town I grew up in. I've always been told I'm a people person, so I hope that I never get stereotyped in a bad light.

5) What’s your favorite song of all time?

I don't have one (GASP) I know! I change my mind so often, once something becomes my favorite, I play it over and over again, and eventually I get tired of it. I like the music though that is on my blog :)

6) What’s your favorite holiday and why?

I'm gonna say Valentines Day :) I love LOVE, and I love all the corny valentines gifts and decorations. Call me cupid baby! ;)

7) If you could change one thing about yourself (body, personality, abilities, etc) what would it be and why?

If I could change ONE thing about myself, it would be to not care what other people think. I've come along way and still struggle sometimes, but it drives me nuts when people have a bad perception of me because I know I'm a good person in and out. I've just come to realize that MEAN PEOPLE SUCK! That is all. :) I'd also like thicker hair &&& smaller boobs :) Haha.

8) What is something that makes you feel incredibly feminine?

I guess I would say lotions/perfumes, dresses, and high heels. :)


post circle 9 comments :

  1. Love your answers! You and your hubby sound perfect for each other :)

  2. Thanks for playing along! Love your answers. I too wish that I could learn to care less about what other people think of me. I'm working on that one as well!

  3. Oh my gosh!! We have a lot of the same answers!! How funny!! =)
    PS I loved the booty dance...once I figured out what was going on =)
    Oh and It's really hard not to care what people think of you...good luck getting to that goal. I have learned not to care, probably because I have always had people not like me =/ But without caring about those people, I am able to really appreciate those that do like/love/care for me. =)

  4. Love your answers! It's so hard not to worry about what people think! I am constantly trying to get better at that too!

  5. Those are great questions! I like Valentine's day a lot as well...that's the day that we got engaged. As cheesy as it is, at least my husband will never forget it :)

    I don't have a favorite song either, as it's always changing like you said. I will get really addicted to a song and then I can't listen to it for a long time!

  6. oh I love reading these things! Fall is my favorite season too, it just has definitely not hit here yet! Soon I hope!

  7. Love your answers - fun! NYC is definitely fun to visit!

  8. Fun getting to know you a little better! Great questions. Hope you're having a lovely evening...~Kristin from Windy Poplars

  9. Um...totally love your wedding pics. And "doggles"...hilarious.
