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Misc. Monday %


Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Lady Gaga is coming to Austin! I was on my way to work this morning and I heard she was going to be here April 6th! I am soooo excited!

Don't you love how the first thing out of a husband's mouth is "How much?"...Whyyy can't it be "SURE HONEY! WHATEVER YOU WANT! :)" Hahah, I wish.

I really REALLY hope I can get tickets! :)

2. Doggles. Precious am I right? Hubs' co-worker bought these for my little furbabies. As you can see, they love them :) I def. have the coolest dogs ever :)

Check out my flames!

Furlee, less than amused.

I love my doggles!

3. Glitzerland. I just bought this, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE. It's very chic :) I've already got compliments on them today...I'm really not sure if it is because of the color, or because I actually painted my nails. Either way, I love it! :)


4. Lime-Green Spidey. Hubs went to his deer lease this weekend to help his Dad put up a new feeder. His Dad and him were riding around on their "Gator" and CREEPY green spider was right behind Drew's shoulder... SICK, GROSS, kinda pretty, but still nauseating. I hate Spiders. And what does Hubs do? He picked him up on a leaf and set him down on the ground. He didn't kill it because he said it was too pretty. Gives me the chills... that thing is still on the loose. Anyone know what kind of spider this is?

5. Painted. Yesterday I painted our doors and walls in our hallway. Fun stuff :) I will post pics soon.

6. Staycation. Siiiiigh. This weekend was so great. I went to bed early on Friday. Woke up at 9:30 on Saturday...(hubs was gone when I woke up but I vaguely remember him kissing me on the forehead at 6 a.m. as he took off to the deer lease). (I love him). Oh, what did I do? I made some coffee, read a chapter in my book, played with my pups, caught up on some DVR'd shows...and then cleaned house, played on the computer, took a longgg bath, organized, did some laundry, mopped, and swept. Even though cleaning isn't considered fun, for some reason, it relaxes me. When I'm stressed? I clean. When I'm mad? I clean. When I'm sad? I clean. It's weird, but I love to clean.

8.Date Night. Hubs and I went out to eat, and then went to see "Easy A" on Saturday night. I absolutely recommend seeing this movie. Yes, it takes place in high school, and probably appeals to the more high school-aged peeps, but seriously, I loved it. The humor, the actors, the storyline...I want to see it again! And I also LOVED the soundtrack :)

9. He's the best. Sooo, I have to say, my husband, without a doubt is the best. So what if I'm biased...But really? Who's husband would do this?...I painted my toes teal on Saturday, and they already started chipping by Sunday...and since I had my pretty new OPI Glitzerland on my nails, I wanted my toes to match. I had actually just painted my nails (still wet), so I didn't want to smudge them by taking off the old paint on my toes. And what does he do? He takes it off for me :) He's so cute :)
Please excuse my weird huge and deformed looking foot. It looks like the jolly green giant here. (Who knew that feet had a bad angle!?)Haha!

Guess that's about weekend also was consumed by football, pizza, more cleaning, and cuddling on the couch. All in all, my staycation rocked! :) Have an awesome Mondayyyy!


post circle 12 comments :

  1. On my goodness...those doggles are adorable!! And I love that nail polish.

  2. LOVE the nail color!!
    one night after I had painted my nails, I was warm so J lovingly (though not perfectly lol) put my hair into a 'ponytail' and took my socks off for me while my nails dried =)
    The doggles are darling -- J would kill me if I did this to our pup lol

  3. I'm loving that nail polish! I want to see Easy A...glad you said it was good :) Hope you've had a great day!

  4. Haha your dogs are so cute! So cute that they actually kept it on!

    Your husband is a sweetheart and trooper for doing that for you!

    That spider gives me the chills in a bad way...I hate creepy crawly things!

  5. Your staycation sounds like heaven! So fun!!

  6. Sounds like a fab staycation...and those doggles are too cute! BTW, I highly recommend Lady hubby and I saw her on July 4th in Atlantic City and she totally ROCKED it! ;)

  7. Alright where can I get the pretty sparkly nail polish?? I don't really paint my finger nails much (since I teach art they are always taking a beating) but that is such a fun shade for maybe an occasion

  8. the pics of your dog made my heart melt!!!!! i want to meet them! haha! :)

  9. Thanks for the comments ladies! And CMae, you can get it at Ulta I'm pretty sure, but I actually found mine at H-E-B :)

  10. Hi! I'm just stopping by your blog for the first time! I love this post, and judging from your 'about me' - we have a lot in common! From new blogger/newlywed/houseowner to the goober and puppy mommy factor! haha. So now I'm your newest follower and I hope you stop by my blog and follow me, too if you like what you see! Looking forward to getting to know you!

  11. Aw, what a wonderful your blog and this post is so adorable. I actually love spiders...That was is super cool, lol.

    You are darling..glad to find you. xx

  12. Those pictures of your pup are too cute. And I love that nail color. I'm going to have to find it!

    PS - I tagged you on my blog today! :)
