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yipes-stripes-gum & randomness.


Do y'all remember that gum? I want some of that cavity infested zebra lovin' gum TODAY. I don't know why, but that's on my mind. I want to make tattoos on my tongue and show them off.
Thank y'all for the extremely sweet comments on my VLOG. I love you guys. Each and every one of you. & I still can't believe I did that. Haha.

Today I got to eat lunch with my husband. This doesn't happen ever really, so it was a nice little treat for this MUNNNN-day. Little turd got me good today. He is working near my office so he calls and says to call him when I head to my car to meet him for lunch. I do. I open my door and he jumps out at me and scares the ever livin' BEEP out of me. Funny hunny. I WILL get you back. Muhahahahahahaw.

Last night I gave my dogs a bath.

They looked like wet rats.
Water got in Piper's ear.

Then they looked like poof balls.
Sleepy poof balls.

We made quesadillas (casuh-dill-uh's) last night.

I will post the recipe tomorrow. I know you want it!!!! ;)

Guess what!?
Mhmmm. It's getting there, baby!

Random post.

Love me. Love me not.


Peace and hair grease with a sprinkle on top. WORD.

Gosh, I'm SO weird.

post circle 12 comments :

  1. I made quesadillas tonight...too funny! Let me just tell you how I was brought back in time with that stripes gum...I hadn't thought about that in years!!! I used to love it...thank you for that! Your hubby sounds too cute...and yes, I bet you will get him back! :)

    Liesl :)

  2. I love zebra gum!! I think about it at the weirdest times..and love your vlog! Bradly and Quinn are such cute names. Hope you have a good week! Virginia

  3. I LOOOVVEEE that gum... my grandmother always used to give it to me.

    Your dogs are soo precious!

  4. YUMMMM I miss that gum!! I wonder if you can still buy it online or something?

  5. Ahh now I want some of that gum!

  6. Totally loved that gum! And those pics are great!

  7. I remember chewing that gum! How funny :)

    Your pups are SO cute!

  8. Wow! I used to love that gum! Cute pooches!! They're so fluffy! lol.

  9. That gum is the best! They still sell it at the grocery store I go to.. I can't wait to see your kitchen!

  10. your quesadillas look delicious!!!!!!!!!

    and I totally buy fruit stripe gum every summer and tattoo my arms up and it just looks like I have stained my body with watercolors. haha

    can't wait for the recipe!

  11. Just found your blog through Kim's "Fill Your Well". I love your furbabies! I'm about to graduate college and I wish, so very much, that I could have a dog right now. I miss the way they get so excited after a bath and run around the house like crazy! Thanks for sharing your pups with us!
