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My 26th birthday in iphone pictures.


Thank you guys so much for all the sweet comments. I promise I will be writing you back. PROMISE!

That said, my 26th birthday was wonderful. Laid back, full of friends and sweet messages from all of you. What can be better than that?

Drew started off my morning with smiley face toast. Is that not the cutest thing ever? The boy got up at 6, ran to the store, got bread, butter and jelly...along with some flowers (I only allow him to buy cheap flowers IF he ever feels like getting me flowers because they are so $$$$) and I wake up to him kissing my forhead saying, "Good Morning Sweetie. Happy Birthday!!!!!"

He then handed me my toast like the sweetheart he is. When I went in the kitchen he had flowers and a super sweet card waiting for me. I love this man.


1. Me on my way to work. It's my birthdayyyyyy! Haha.
2. My smiley toast.
3. Drew made me a cake...and I added the blue candles to it so we could make it OUR cake.
4. The boys at work all ended up wearing plaid. I had to laugh and blame it on my awesome birthday! Ha!

Work wasn't bad. My team at work made it enjoyable and even took me out to lunch and had ice-cream cake waiting for me at the end of the day. Everyone clapped at 4:11 p.m. (when yours truly came out smiling and said, "What up world!") and I said..."Guys! I officially made it! I'm alive" and they all sarcastically cheered and laughed. Yeahhhh baby! Hahaha!


1. Kelly and I at lunch :) I love her!
2. The whole gang from work eating at Momji (SOOO good!)
3. My hibachi chicken. Seriously love this plate.
4. The banana tempera the restaurant gave me! YUMMO!


1. Birthday cake from my team at work. #gonnaneedacranetopickmeup
2. Opening the MOST amazing gift ever from Erica...Love you so much!
3. Steak dinnaaaa...This totally trumps the Top Ramen I had the night before.
4. Me with wine mouth (gross) and my handsome husband.

When I got home, Drew and I got dressed up and went to dinner at Salt Grass (one of my favorite steakhouses ever!). We put away our phones (mostly for the benefit of him) and enjoyed ourselves. It had been awhile since we had been on a date so I was loving every minute of it. We had a lot of fun and flirted like two crazy kids. When we got home the goober had two blank canvas', three primary colored paints, paint brushes, and said, "Okay babe...we have to paint a picture and we have to hang it in our house."


What was I to paint? Ohhh, I know. A camera!


He then said, "It has to be something that reminds you of us."

Great. I was brain dead. I could have easily drawn hearts everywhere...and I am artistic...but by this painting. You'd never guess it haha. I was tired...and I went blank. The good news? We had a blast. We painted in silence....until Piper decided to try and paint too. And then we laughed and finished up our paintings.

His cracks me up. It's a canon...that has a camera (me), an xbox remote control (him), a heart (us), and a softball (the sport we play together). I couldn't stop laughing. That boy is hilarious I tell you.

I was unoriginal. I just decided to mix all my paints together and go for black. What do you do when you have no idea what you want to paint and are limited to colors? YOU write stuff.


We ended the night by blowing out my candles.


I love birthdays...and I love you guys. Thank you again for all the birthday wishes. 26 is going to be a good year. I can feel it.

P.s.) I think we are going to hang the pictures in the garage. HAHA.


post circle 29 comments :

  1. Aw that looks like such a fun day! I love yalls paintings! I'm
    Glad you had such a great birthday!

  2. YUM! look at all that awesome food! your face is pretty awesome too!!! I'm glad you had such a great day Shay... I need to get better at mailing birthday gifts ugh. Consider yourself the recipient of a birthday gift IOU

  3. Looks like a wonderful birthday! Makes me wish it was my birthday, but I still have 3 months. Boo. Love that you both made paintings. I think yours is pretty good. I suck at painting. I don't think that I would be able to do even that lol

  4. You seriously have the cutest husband. Who would have thought to get canvas's and paint!? Brillant! :) So happy to hear you had a great day!

  5. omg what a great birthday :) i'm loving everything you did ha!! xoxo

  6. Hold up... Drew made you that cake?!?!?! Looks like it was a great birthday!!!! <3

  7. Epic. Seriously!
    That is the sweetest thing ever ever ever!

  8. It looks like you had such an amazing birthday!! I'm so glad! Yay for 26!

  9. looks like DDHP hopped on the ol' flannel train too.

    what's this effect you have on men? plaidsynthesis?

    happy birthday from a girl in the blogging world!!

  10. What a perfect birthday! Looks like so much fun :) I loved the smiley face toast too-- adorable! You made me excited for my bday haha- which is still 3 months away!

  11. What an amazing birthday!!! So glad you had such a wonderful day. The painters are about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  12. What a fun birthday!! And you look beautiful as ever!

  13. Ah looks like the perfect day! Glad it was a god one. :)

  14. you certainly celebrated turning 26in style! what an amazing bday!! cute pics :)

  15. what an absolute perfect birthday celebration! loved reading this!

    and those pictures you both painted, too cute! love that you said they are going in the garage, too funny!

  16. Your husband is so sweet!! Sounds like you had a great birthday!

  17. Looks like you had a fantabulous day!! Hope you are still celebrating.... it IS your birthday "week"!


  18. DDHP is the best ever!

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  19. your birthday was the best EVER :-)


  20. It looks like you had a great time! Bahaha the garage? lol

  21. Looks like a wonderful day! You deserve it :)

  22. What a wonderful day you had! I love the pictures you guys painted; such a sweet idea!

  23. Shut up. Your husband is SO cute! Sounds like you were spoiled rotten, and you totally deserved it!
    Happy belated Birthday! :)

  24. Looks like you had an amazing birthday! I love the smiley toast, and the canvases you did! :)

  25. aww shay i love this!! and i love ya'lls relationship - you are too cute. what a fun birthday. i love that ya'll still go on dates and flirt it up! i'm very impressed by DDHP's cooking skills! happy saturday love!

  26. Aww looks like you had an amazing birthday!! The toast is adorable, what a sweet man :) Love the canvas' how clever, except mine would be a totally disaster in the works. Y'all rocked it though.

  27. this was awesome!!

    your newest follower :)

    follow me back? XOXO

  28. happy happy 26!! i am so super impressed with that cake! i mean that is a really good boy-made cake. and smiley face toast? i want!
