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Friday's Letters.


Dear DDHP, You really are the most amazing man in the world. I'm not trying to be corny but seriously, you rock my world yo. Thank you for being the biggest support system a gal could have. Life really is beautiful with you. Dear Mr. Pipes and Furlee, I promise you two that I will find time to play with you outside. I hate that my schedule is awful right now, but just know that our snuggle time at night is one of my favorite parts of my day. Just don't tell your father. Dear Shalyn Nelson Photography, I have BIG plans for you. You consume my life but I'm blessed and thankful and so so so excited about what the future holds. I can't wait to launch your new look in the next month or two and get it all going. Booty shakes all around. Dear Mom, I miss you. I really hope you are taking care of yourself because I love you with my whole heart. I wish I could see you more often. Dear Brother, you are amazing. Don't ever forget that. <3 Dear H-E-B Diet Green Tea, you are so good. I'm so glad we found each other. I'm pretty sure we will love each other forever. You know, if that's cool with you. Cool? COOL. Dear Facebook, all I see lately are babies, babies, and MORE babies. Something IS in the water. Sorry friends, I'm not on board that train just yet contrary to popular belief and this post. I'm sorry if that's what you thought...:\ Dear Stephanie, I can't wait to meet you and Beau next weekend. I may have to wear a fat suit but I hope you will still love me anyway. ONE WEEK. ONE WEEK. YEAH BUDDY! Dear Raven, Rissy, Ashley K., Ashley S., Sabrina, Chelsea and Erica, I think I have watched our video twice a day for the last week. I'm obsessed with how precious and beautiful and wonderful and SEXY you ladies are. Our group text today had be ROLLING on the floor. Well, not really but I had people in my office coming to my cubicle asking me what was so dang funny. I'd post the picture Ash but I am pretty sure Jonathan would die. IF only. Dear Blog Friends, y'all make my day each and every day. I'm so thankful you read my blog and so incredibly blessed we have each other. Come visit me anytime. My doors are always open. Unless, well, you smell bad or something. But I seriously doubt that. We can fix that. Dear Life, you've tested my patience this year. You've pushed my buttons and made me grow the heck up REAL fast. But, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know God has a plan. Dear Friday, I love you. Thank you for FINALLY getting here. This week has been a 3 out of 10. WOOOOOOOOOF. Peace and chicken grease. To link up to Friday's Letters, go visit Ashley HERE.

post circle 25 comments :

  1. I found you through your Friday Letters link and am excited to be a new follower!

    I have to admit I'm a Facebook baby-posting offender too. I think some people have defriended me because I never update my status, I never do anything interactive, I just post photos of my little 4 month old cutie. Is that so wrong?! And clearly the only comments I get are from other friends with kids. All my single friends are probably like "ugh, not again...not another photo of Dana's baby!"


  2. I have watched our video every day too! I love you guys so much! Best friends for real!! And yesterday's text was the bomb.

    And meeting Steph AND big SNP changes coming - that definitely calls for some Friday booty shakes! Yeaaaah girl!

  3. I'm loving those pictures of you. So cute

  4. gorgeous pictures girl and great list :)

  5. I agree about facebook having so many baby pics, enough already! Once you've seen one, you've seen them all really... I'm a fur baby mum too!

    Loved reading your letters :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  6. Sweet, sweet letters :) You and DDHP always melt my heart. You are truly an inspiration. I can't say it enough. To see you pursue your dreams no matter what it takes always gives me that extra little push to do the same. I just love you :)

  7. EEEEEEEEEEE i just love you :-)

    cannot wait to see the amazing adventures you embark on with DDHP and with your photog bizz. Best photography in Austin WHAT WHAAAT!!! :-) In October you and sabrina have to take really fun pics of me and kurt because we have like NONE of us really hahah EEE cannot wait

    and soo excited you guys are meeting steph!!! you can give me the lowdown and the nitty gritty before i meet them a few weeks later hahah! all i can say is i think they are just like u and DDHP which is ahh-mazing

    and yeah something is in teh water in braintree too...everyone be poppin out babies like ya read about

    and our video/texts/evereything...dont know what i'd do without it ... seriously!


  8. Sooo many babies on Facebook!!! Have a great weekend!!

  9. I'm so excited to see where your photography business takes you-- you are so incredibly talented!! :)

    And I hear ya on the babies thing. Pretty sure I've got like 6 pregnant cousins, 3 preggo friends and a knocked up coworker! Make it go away!! ;)

  10. Def not hoppin on the baby train anytime soon either, ha! :) Love all of your letters!! So cute! :)

  11. I can't wait to see what's in store for your photography biz!! So how did you learn photography? I suck with my camera and I really want to take good pics!!!!!! And how fun you are meeting Stephanie!!! yay!

  12. love those pics! about 6 months before we got pregnant it seemed like EVERYONE I knew was preggo...what for your time girl!

  13. Dear Shaybaybay: We CANNOT wait to meet y'all either!!!! I hope Beau and I are as cool in real life as I make us seem on my blog haha. SO much fun will be had on that river next weekend!! :) xoxoxox

  14. you. are. so. precious. your pictures? beautiful!
    I am so exited for your re-branding and the new look of your business! so exciting! also, yes, jonathan would DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS! haha He said I was ONLY allowed to send it to you girls and even then, he wasn't so sure! If I posted it he would divorce me I am sure of it! Your letters were all so sweet and so sincere! I love that you linked up with me today!!!!! awesome!


  15. You're gorgeous. That's all :)

  16. First up... love those pics! SO PRETTY! Now on to the real comment. :) I love your relationship with DDHP! Seriously, you two always seem like you're laughing and joking around, but at the same time you're each other's support systems. I love that! :)

  17. your posts just always make my day :) you are absolutely gorgeous and so are your words. and that is very exciting about your photog business, I know you will arse and take names!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!

  18. Ummmm.... Hello GORGEOUS. WOW. I LOVE these photos!!

    and by the way... I am STILL obsessed with our vid too! infact... I just tweeted it to J Beibs again.... #Shameless :)


    Sabrina Says

  19. gosh, you're beautiful! you have the prettiest smile! i pray your photo business goes well :) maybe one day you can take pictures at my wedding...need a man first. haha. have a great weekend, shay!!

  20. These are all amazing! I love all your letter's!!! and this is such a good idea! i watch your videos all the time as well!!!

    i think it is absolutely hilarious!
    Miss you girls! xoxoxox

  21. Every time I see one of these posts of yours I keep thinking I want to do Fridays Letters the next week...but I never remember, lol!

    Good luck with your photography business! :)

  22. Excited to see more of your photography girl! And I'm with you on the babies thing...I'm not ready for that step I'm having too much fun just the husband and I for now! :)

  23. First of all, you are gorgeous!!! And I know what you mean, things have been stressful lately for everyone I think- but we're going to be A-OK! :) And that's not what I was thinking when you hinted about some news, but I'm not surprised if some people did. I say I'm hungry and everyone is like, what you're pregnant?! Haha, sorry peeps.

  24. You are beautiful and oh how I love all these new fun pictures of you...the light is lovely! <3 I know what you mean about Facebook...I was seeing babies, babies, beanies before I deactivated my account, and so many of my friends are onto their 2nd or 3rd children now...such happy times for everyone! :) Even though you aren't on that train yet...I am so glad that you are so happy and things are going so well for you! Yay!

  25. oh hey, guess what.

    I wasn't involved in that funny group text you are referring to above.

