post circle

My life right now...


is pretty stinking hysterical.

A big fat cluster of CHAOS if you will.

I lost my car keys last Friday. Gonna cost $300 to tow my car to a dealership and then get a key made.

My husband is sick as a dog and I'm starting to feel sick as well.

I am working my ever livin' butt off.

I'm burnt out.

I'm really, really, REALLY tired.

My family is in need of prayers.

I am a lot of people's go to right now.

I'm behind on my work.

I'm sad.

My computer is slower than molasses and it's driving me crazy.

My schedule is jam packed.

I'm spread as thin as I can possibly be.

I want those in my life suffering right now to find peace, hope and understanding.

Sometimes I smile more than usual to cover up all that's going on under my skin.

Sometimes when it pours...and it pours for a really long time.


I won't give up.

This song just totally speaks to me right now.

post circle 25 comments :

  1. Been there. I'm sorry, Shay.

    This is when we fall to our knees and admit to the Lord that we can't do it on our own. We're not supposed to.

    As for the PC...when was the last time you rebooted? And cleared your cache? The other day I had a ton of programs open, including Lightroom and Photoshop with a ton of pics open...for like 4 days straight. It kept getting slower and slower. I knew I needed to reboot, but HAD to save some of my .psd files first (which is why I hadn't shut it down). Took me 4 hours to save 8 pics. Frustrated much? Argh.

    Keep looking up. This, too, shall pass.

  2. I hope things start to lighten up for you soon! I think there is a point in everyone's life where they feel the same way, but you have the right attitude! Look at all those things around you that you have to be grateful for and focus on them! If they can't do anything else, they will continue to make you smile! Everything will be okay - it is just they way it works and yes okay can go either way, but you will get through it!! Keep your head up hun!!

    Oh and I also love that song!!

  3. What a heavy and busy week! You're right, sometimes it pours and we can't keep up. Been there! You can get through it with the Lord's help! Will be thinking of you!

  4. I think we all have moments in our lives like this, but it doesn't make things any easier...I hope you find a chance sit and breathe, if only for a few minutes, sometime this week. And I do hope that things slow down for you soon. Your family is in my prayers :)


  5. Sending you love, happiness, prayers for some relief soon. I hope life slows down for a little bit for you so you're not feeling that terrible "stretched too thin" feeling. Thinking of you, Shay!

  6. Awww...I'm sorry your are having such a rough time. I hope things get better for you soon :)

  7. thinking of you all day everyday! LOVE YOU SHAY! I wish I could be there and help you.....just make you some meals and clean and do whatever I could. If I were close, just know that I would be there and help you run errands and just try and take some things off your plate. You are an amazing woman! wife! friend! business owner! I know that eventually things will ease up and you will be rewarded for pushing through these crazy months!


  8. Oh Shay, I'm sorry!!


    You say when it rains it pours, and yes it does, but what always comes after the rain? THE SUN! Keep your head up pretty lady, the sun will come out soon! :)

  9. We all go through times like these and fortunately you can only go up from here! Thinking about you sweet girl!

  10. :( I'm thinking about you hon!!!

  11. :( having so many strikes against you all at once is never fun. My husband and I have had a rough 2012 with our families. It just seems like there is always something going on and we are only in April. I hope life turns around soon for you and that work chills out a bit!

  12. Yes, when it rains is pours! You are gonna make it through this, girl!! I know it! :)

  13. I know how you feel. Life is tough for my husband and I too. Has been for a while.

    Hang in there. You're amazing.
    In French, we say "Le vent tourne". It means the wind "turns", as in things change.

    We'll get our turn at being serene.
    In the meantime, I do my best to make lemonade ;)

    Stay strong. Bisous!

  14. The only good thing about rain is it has to get sunny at some point! And it's sunny...boy that sun is bright :) Love you to pieces and sending many of prayers your way! Hope hubby gets to feeling better and that the sickness doesn't get to you! Sending you smiles :)

  15. awww muffin!! i just want to fly to texas and give you a BIG giant hug and feed you and DDHP big tubs of Paul Dean chicken noodle soup. love you so much and thinking and praying for you. XOXO

  16. I so sawwwwwy love!!! I hope things start looking up for you and DDHP bc you of all people definitely deserve good things! Keep your chin up lover butt!! Beau Beau and I will be coming to Austin soooooon!!! All you hard work will pay off and it will all be worth it. MWAH!

  17. I'm so sorry you're so swamped Shay! Definitely keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers, I hope things start looking up soon!


  18. I'm feeling spread pretty thin lately myself, so I know where you're coming from. Just know that it WILL be worth it and it WILL get better. Hang in there, beautiful girl! Thinking of you!!

  19. OH! Sorry girl! I hope things look up and get brighter REAL soon! And if nothing else, I hope you can squeeze in a nap! :)

  20. Sorry about your keys, hope your hubby feels better soon, that you don't get too sick if you do have it, and that your computer speeds up a little! ;) Have a lovely Easter weekend and enjoy a little time for you, if possible! :) Just heard the "I Won't Give Up" song last week for the first time and love it!

  21. sorry you are having such a rough time. It is really hard when you are struggling and those around you are too. I'm in a similar place and it's hard to have a heavy heart. I just wrote a post with this verse and I keep reading it daily. (Lamentations 3)

    "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
    They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
    I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him."

    The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;
    it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.

    Hope you get some relief from everything soon!

  22. Shay Bay Bay!! I'm so sorry I am just reading this now! I just absolutely love you! I hope everything is getting better. I know DDHP is feeling better.. but I hope YOU are too!

    It makes me so sad to read these words and to know that you aren't feeling as happy as can be. But you know what? I love that you are always this big bright shining light! no one would EVER know you were having a bad day because you are just THAT amazing. That you for always being a great friend and ALWAYS commenting on my blog! (You are SO good about that!)

    I am getting better ;) I will comment more I promise!But just know that I always read! I Do I DO! I love you and your kind, sweet words! You are the best! I can't wait to live near you one day!

    THIS WILL HAPPEN!! I love you and DDHP and Piper and Furlee!! I LOVAHHH!

    Sabrina Says

  23. Praying for you and your family...

  24. you need a shay day ;) mini facial or massage or something to rejuvenate yourself!! check out one of the discount deal sights.
    as for computer, i started using dropbox to store my files (pictures) and it isn't eatin my harddrive when i upload or edit them (lots of my photog friends are doing the same- just a tip!)
    sending good thoughts your way... oxx

  25. Gosh, double whammy, lost keys and the car and just all of it! Go have a day all to yourself girly :)
