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I can play the guitar??? What? :)


It's no secret I love music.
I mean, it's a GIVEN that if you LOVE music, then you are NATURALLY a singing sensation am I right or am I right?
Last night...Drew was practicing some strings or "playing" his guitar and I thought I'd be that annoying little wife and make some music of my own.
Now, do me a favor and just take in the beautiful sound you are about to hear.
I'll sign autographs later.

But, in all seriousness, have you ever heard of Ed Sheeran? He's a brilliant artist in the UK and I have a feeling he's about to blow up here in the U.S. Check him out!
Tuesday Tunes 2 by Shalyn Nelson on Grooveshark
Xoxo. P.s.) 99% of this post is pure sarcasm. ;) duh.

post circle 19 comments :

  1. two things. DDHP strumming the guitar? S-E-X-Y! rawr.

    and you. with the moves. those nice long limber moves........

    again, love you both. Hey, can we have a DDHP/Shay/Raven sandwich?

    totally out of line?

  2. hahah LOVE THIS!! Gosh you two are SO freakin cute!

  3. Love it. Hilarious. His reaction to you when you start playing the guitar is adorable!


  4. You two are precious! And I love that you guys can be ridiculous and then share it with everyone!

  5. seriously you are cracking me up, I needed this today (bleh Tuesday)! I love your heel stretch ;-)

  6. Laughing out loud! DDHP doens't look so happy with your guitar playing lol.

  7. Seriously Shalyn you freaking crack me up!!!! Love the song!!!! The shoe part is amazing!! And you make out with yourself rather well!!! Heart you!

  8. Your background moves are just amazing. You might just outshine the preformer! And your guitar skills....bad a!

  9. this is hilarious! Please become a comedian! :)

  10. i freaking love how supportive DDHP is! Please just start video-recording your whole life. you two always make me laugh!

    and homegirl, you have some skills and so does DDHP. I think all the litlle Drew-lyns (thats your celebrity child name) will be VERY musically talented!

    I think the man-headband needs to make an appearance in the next video!

  11. ahhhhhhhhhh LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! "Baby I got this!" hahahaha Oh LORD! Will DDHP be serenading us at the river this weekend? Please say yes...

  12. PS-you should know that I just paused 16 & Pregnant specifically to watch this video. You should feel honored... ;)

  13. Omg, you are amazing. I think you have a real future in the music biz. This is hilarious. Thanks for sharing.



  14. OMG, you are TOO funny! I'm loving that song girl! :)

  15. ABSOLUTELY AMAZE-BALLS! No really, best song eva :) Thank you for making me laugh... loudly with no one home!

  16. mad guitar skills! adorable!

  17. Oh My Gah!!! I seriously just pissed my pants. This is hysterical, the pretending to kiss someone was freaking AWESOME!
