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Friday's Letters



Dear DDHP, thank you for being such a stud. I mean, really. Your hair continues to grow out and I love it more and more and more. You're so precious. Thank you for being such a great helper and my second shooter for the photography biz. Thank you for parking out at starbucks with me last weekend between photo sessions in Huntsville and stressing out with me. I truly love working with you. You keep me focused and you push me even when I tell you to stop. OH, and thank you for putting clean sheets on the bed. You rock my world love bug. Thanks for loving my mess.

Dear Sanity, I need you back.

Dear Week from Hell, I know this is life and that people have really bad weeks sometimes. But DUDE, you seriously SUCKED big ones.

Dear Face, you have really been letting me down lately. WHY do you have to start developing sun spots and wrinkles AND stress bumps? It's making me look like an old hag and I don't appreciate it. I guess working at a tanning salon in college is really catching up to me. Oops.

Dear Boobs, you can start shrinking any day now. You two really hurt my back.

Dear Self, I think all you've done is complain this week and you're really not fun to be around. Suck it up, kneel, pray and MOVE forward okay?

Dear Sleep, we miss you.

Dear Airline Ticket to California in two weeks, OUCH.

Dear Jenni, I can't WAIT to see you this weekend. I wish I had more time to spend with you, but thank you for graciously opening your apartment to us so we didn't have to spend $$$ on a hotel room. Dees is why we're friends. That card you sent me this week REALLY made me tear up. Probably because I'm an emotional basketcase of stress, but I know I can always count on your friendship. I'm so lucky! :)

Dear Ashley and Michael, words can't even describe how EXCITED I am to shoot your wedding in Houston this weekend. You two have been such a fun, laid back couple and have made my job so easy. I have a feeling that I will be sobbing while snapping pictures tomorrow. Don't judge ok? I'm just super super happy for y'all. Ashley, your bridal pictures are amazing. I can't wait to post them. And I'm not saying they are amazing because I took them...I'm saying they are amazing because you're beautiful and your personality just shines through in every. single. one. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.


Dear Paycheck, Thank you for coming today. Sadly, I can't really touch you (story of my life) but maybe I can put something in my pantry and fridge now. Feel free to multiply yourself any day now.

Dear Greece, I'd give anything to back here again.


Dear Phone, I've kind of neglected you this week. I'm usually glued to you, but I needed a break. Forgive me k?

Dear Sabrina and Erica, BAWWWWSTON can't get here soon enough. I love that you were squealing via text message the other night. Don't believe me? Then watch this. Oh, and please ignore my nasty mess of a self. I can't be sexy all of the time ok? ;) jk.But seriously...DDHP can squeal better than me. NOT cool.

Dear Kelly, also known as the most talented blog design muffin that ever graced the planet. I can't wait to see what you're doing with this blog of mine. I trust you 200%. You're seriously too talented for words and I just know I am going to LOVE it.

Dear Papaw, your birthday was two days ago and when I saw you this weekend watering your melted my heart. You're 82 years young and one of the most influential fatherly figures I have ever had. Please stay awhile and don't leave. I had a breakdown after I got off the phone with you the other night. Tears flowed like rivers down my cheeks because I know you're days on earth are numbered. You're the most amazing Papaw in the world. You're so kind, and one of my most favorite people EVER. I love you.

Dear MOM, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel terrible that I can't be there to celebrate with you tonight or this weekend for that matter :( I did see you last weekend for a quick minute, but still...I miss you and I hope you have the best day ever.

Dear Bloggers, I love you. I mean it. I will be responding to my last post I promise. You guys blew me away with your comments. It makes me so grateful to be a part of this little community.

Dear Fridays Letters and Ashley, what up?

Have a terrific weekend boo bears.

post circle 16 comments :

  1. aren't paw paws the BEST! I hate that they wont be around forever : [

  2. Coming to CA? Come visit San Francisco!! So sorry that you are having a bad week. Bad weeks definitely get the best of me.. Big hugs from San Francisco!

  3. What a sweet Friday Letters :) I just found your blog today and I love it! You have such a sweet voice in your writing and I'm definitely going to find you on facebook to follow (wish you had a bloglovin!). And amen to the letter to your boobs, I seriously feel the same way. Bra shopping has become a serious task.

    xo, Evani

  4. Shalyn I love reading your blog and enjoy your hilarious personality. Keep your chin up :-)

  5. Happy Friday!!! Your relationship is so inspirational. It doesn't matter how stressed you seem, your relationship is always so happy, and you two seem to really know how to love each other! Love that!! :)

  6. so sweet...and I'm with you on the girls, although since I'm nursing any shrinkage at this point might be counterproductive! ha!

    hope your week is better next week!

  7. paycheck and I are about to have the same conversation on Monday.

  8. I am laughing out loud at your guys' squealing! So funny! I can't even imagine what my boyfriend would do if I was sitting on the bed trying to make a video of myself squealing. You two are officially my fav couple. Done and done! :)

    I hope your week is getting much happier and less-stressful. XXOO

  9. Well, your writing is beautiful. The parts that stood out to me from this post were your writings about your father, your mom, DDHP, and how you're focusing on the positive. I love when bloggers are real.

    I'm sorry it's been such a hard week but it's wonderful that your relationship with Drew is so strong. There's nothing better than a spouse who supports you in all that you do.

    I love your blog and I hope this coming week treats you a bit better!

  10. I don't even know what to respond to on this post because there is so much I love about it! the squealing??! oh my gosh shay, you guys are just so hilarious! I can't wait to see you in the Sac- hoping it allllll works out so I can meet you!!!!!!!loved your letters, love you!


  11. You are the cutest thing in the world!!! And DDHP, what a guy! You both are too perfect for each other and it just makes me so happy reading your posts. I'm praying for you girl. Good thing about shitastic weeks, it can only get better. I'm sorry everything has been so crazy and I know it's only getting thrown your way because you are awesomesauce and can handle anything. HAPPY WEEKEND pretty gal!

  12. california!!! coming to sf? :)

    I love your photography! :) wish you lived in Ohio (not really I wouldn't want to do that to you) but I have to head back home for my wedding and well finding a good photographer is rough!

  13. You are too funny! I love your letters! :)

  14. The squeal stinking cute! Haha!! You and DDHP are too adorable. Really.

  15. So many good letters! I really wish I could see you in California when you come, but I think I'll be in Tahoe for the 4th of July :( Tell me the dates again!

  16. You can give me some of your boobs if you'd like. Just sayin'. I look like a 13 year old if I don't have a bra on. Ok fine, padded bra*

    Stay positive! All of your hard work WILL pay off! For he months of June and July I had to half my time at work and consequently half my paycheck for summer school. I just keep reminding myself it's one semester sooner that I'll be graduating and in the long run it will be worth it. :-)
