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I can't believe it's already WEDNESDAY!?


GOOD AFTERNOON BABY BOOS! :) <----Trust me, that's a compliment in my world.

How was your weekend? Oh's Tuesday WEDNESDAY!? I should have probably posted TWO DAYS AGO but BAHAHA yeah that didn't happen. Too much on my plate. I'm totally a fat kid.

I just wanted to pop my head in and say hi and give you some randomness that is my life.

1. My lead foot is extrememly grateful for the new speed limits around my parts. I mean...I understand that it's fast but don't know you drive this speed all.the.time. I pretty much did a double take when I saw this. HOLLA and a FIST PUMP! Totally happy about this.

2. I shot a wedding this weekend. It was amazing. Something about beautiful, kind hearted people just make my heart so full of joy. I love shooting with Drew too because it's kind of like we are getting married...over and over again. You know what I mean? Something about watching two people say their vowels takes me back to the day we got married and I just love that. That and he just has THE cutest tush in the world. I can't help but stare.


3. I got to stay with Jenni, my old college roommate this past Saturday night. Or wait, should I say Sunday morning? I was so freaking tired after the wedding y'all. My legs hurt, my back hurt, my neck hurt, my everything basically just HURT. Jenni texted DDHP and told him that she left the key under the we come on in, let our her precious pup, and then literally CRASH out hard. At 2 a.m. I wake up to Drew screaming, "OMG OMG OMG! Are y'all okay!?" So naturally, I wake up and jump up and ask "WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED!" ...."errrr....we locked out Jenni and her roommate." OMG is right. I felt HORRIBLE. We dead bolted the door and needless to say after a ton of missed calls and hilarious voicemails, we pretty much didn't hear the end of it the whole next morning. (For good reason I suppose!) Oh, and Drew totally made the bed the next morning...with me in it.


4. We went to brunch with Jenni and some old friends from college and then booked it to College Station to meet Andrew's parents for Father's Day. We had Olive Garden and then had Froyo and then headed back home to get ready for the week.


5. Other than constant editing, re-launch prep for Shalyn Nelson Photography, softball, cycle, and WORK...I guess it's been an alright week so far.

6. I shoot another wedding on Friday and I am soooo excited. I also get to see an old friend from college that I haven't seen in TWO years so you can imagine the hug that awaits that girl.

7. I leave for CA next week and I have wayyyy too much to do beforehand. I hope I can get through this week/weekend. It looks like there will be more of this going on. Poor little Piper just wants to play, but instead he helps me edit pictures. Such a little muffin toot isn't he? LOVE him and his little crooked head.


8. If you need something great to read...go here now.

9. HAPPY HUMP DAY! Cycle class kicks my butt...obviously.

3ffebe21, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

AND I am going to sit down tonight answer my e-mails from your blog comments I promise.

10. I LOVE YOU GUYS! <---Mean it.

post circle 19 comments :

  1. LOVING that 80 mph speed limit! Although lets be honest if they bumped ours to 80 I'd be doin 85 or 90. (Law breaker I know.)
    Hilarious that you locked them out!!! Sounds like something I'd do.

  2. Looks like a great weekend... busy though!!! Cooper likes to "help" me at the computer too. So cute!!

  3. You are so busy Boo Boo!!!!! I love that DDHP goes with you on your shoots....that is really so romantical. My husband has ZERO interest in my profession...granted I teach a bunch of hormonal 8th graders, but you get what I mean :)

    I have been a bad friend lately and haven't commented or said hi in a long time. Hope you still love me!!! And I am still planning that trip to Austin any day now!!!!

    Hope the rest of your week is awesome!!!

  4. Where on earth is it 80mph!?!?! I'm moving. Nothing is over 55 here. Fifty-five!!! I've been pulled over every month so far this year, except June knock on wood. Excited to see all your pictures!!

  5. You, and your hubs, and your dog.. all SO cute! You are one busy woman but I love when you get time to leave a little post! Can't wait until you get that photography website up and running so I can stalk all your gorgeous photos! xoxo

  6. Love your blog. Love your photography. If I got married in Texas---you SO would of been my girl.


  7. Sounds like a fun weekend! I bet they weren't too happy about you locking them out, though! haha
    80?! No way? I wish that was the speed limit everywhere!!

  8. New to this crazy little blogging world - but have been reading yours for a few months!
    You and your husband have got to be the CUTEST thing I've ever seen in my life. You genuinely look so happy together - best friends.
    Can only hope BF and I stay that way when we finally say "I do!".
    How about a trip up to Toronto to shoot the wedding?!

  9. I wish our speed limits were 80. I would never get a ticket! :)

  10. Those wedding pictures are so pretty! How fun!

  11. I would love there to be 80 mph speed limits! I mean I think that would solve traffic problems, lol. jk.

    and locking your friend out totally sounds like something I would do! It will be a great story to look back on!

  12. Did anyone say JELLO shots at the river? No? Well there will be. Last one there has to take 2!


  13. Looks like your adventures are staying busy, but fun! Always love looking at your pictures, and I hope all else is well with you! :)

  14. I just love you. Sabrina told me how absolutely sweet and awesome you and DDHP are, just like I expected :) and 80 speed limit sign? I didn't know this existed!

    Anyway, your photography is amazing. You definitely have a gift!!

  15. Looks like a fabulous weekend! That church is simply gorgeous! Your photos are amazing! Such a great gift you have girl!

  16. You are the busiest person I know! I'm glad you had a great weekend and I hope the rest of this week is fabulous for you too!

  17. Sounds like you guys had a great (but tiring) weekend! That froyo looks AMAZING!

  18. 80?! Holy cow! When ours got raised to 70mph on Virginia highways I thought that was a great improvement! I actually average 75 on a normal day. :) Hah.

    Your dog is too cute as well. I wish I had a little pup to help edit photos. I'll just live through you for the time being until I get a pet-friendly place!

  19. You are quite the busy bee.
    Have a great week/weekend girl. :)
