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As I put my fingers to my keyboard at this moment, I honestly don't have anything important to say.

I'm battling so many emotions lately but one emotion in particular is just that even though life kinda sucks big ones sometimes, I have a lot to be thankful for.

This guy...

I swear he makes my heart so happy and he fires my soul. I'm forever thankful God paired us together. He has the kindest soul of anyone I've ever known and he's such a great support system. I don't think my words will ever do him justice ya know... Just don't know what I'd do without him. Such a muffin, that boy.

Oh, and I'm totally digging this song right now. Chill and pretty. Yo welcome.


post circle 3 comments :

  1. Love this Blog.
    Sometimes I think it's important to just sit back and truly be Thankful for the things we have in our lives. For you, a Loving Husband...For me, a Loving Boyfriend. Sometimes the small things are the big things. :)

  2. You're right, it's so important to find that partner in life who always attempts to make your life easier and run smoothly. Thanks for making me consider my thanks this morning!

  3. I love reading about the love that you two have for each other. It is so sweet and so pure and it makes me so happy! Love is an amazing thing, isn't it?

    PS- love the music video. You always post great videos!
