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Friday's Letters


Dear Photos Above, you make me so happy. Dearest Friday, you're my favorite day of the week. Dear Brandy and Nathan, I can't waittttt to photograph your wedding today. I'm going to be a sweaty mess with the 100 degree temperatures but rest assured I'll be smiling the whole time. Dear Amy, I can't wait to see you muffin. It's been tooooo long. Dear DDHP, thank you for getting up early this morning to let the dogs out. Even though you were in a cranky mood this morning, you're still a cutie with a booty. Dear Piper and Furlee, you two have been BAD this week. What gives? I give you snacks and let you cuddle with me non-stop. So let's behave next week while I'm out of town ok? I have a feeling if you don't your Dad might give you two away and we both know we can't have that. Dear Schedule, you can slow down anytime now ok? I'm tired. Dear Danielle and Jenni, I can't wait to hug your necks next week! It's going to be a blast! Dear Delta Airlines, PLEASE don't have a delay. I'll cry. Dear Ashley, thanks for hosting this fun little link up. Lucky me gets to meet you VERY soon. Holllaaaa. Dear 3-inch Roots and Dead Ends, guess what!? It's been since JANUARY, I know, I know. BUT I finally made a hair appointment and you can finally be fixed. I can feel you jumping for joy as I type this. You're welcome.
Happy Friday Bumpkins! :)

post circle 21 comments :

  1. Love the pics - as usual!!

    I hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. wow gorgeous pics girl :) love your blog and the letters!

  3. wow gorgeous pics girl :) love your blog and the letters!

  4. Wow love your letters & your pictures. Those two are just adorable.

  5. You make me laugh and laugh :) I heart you! Hopefully the little pups will start behaving more. Louie has been extra puppy-like lately, so I've been resorting to multiple walks and peanut butter with the kong.

  6. hehehe those pictures are just TOO CUTE!

  7. Love your letters miss1 Found your blog from Ashelys page and wanted to say hello!

    Happy to be your newest bloggy friend & follower :)!

    Say hi back sometime?

  8. that second picture. I am dying! I so wish I could make my dog make a face like that. I'm off to try ...

  9. Omg those pictures are sooo cute!! Ahhhh the second picture!

  10. Hope your schedule slows down for you soon. Enjoy your wedding shooting tonight; I hope it isn't too too hot.

  11. I don't know how you do it you super busy girl! I bet having that babe and those fur babes helps though huh?

    I waited from november to may-ish to get my hair done... oops. We rock hehe


  12. such cute pics! hope you don't melt away in the summer heat!

  13. thanks for the reminder to schedule a hair appt! so overdue myself!

  14. I love the first picture, so cute!

    One of my dear ________ was to husband as well ... Thanking him for waking up early and letting the dog out :)

    Friday is my favorite day too. And seriously with bad behaving pups. You let them cuddle with you, lick your face non-stop, give them snacks and they act up, boo!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Dear Shalyn:

    I love your life and your positive outlook in life

    I am jealous of your meet-up with Ashley! Makes me sooo jealous of all y'alls plans I wanan go!

    But soon enough..SOOON E-NUFF!!

    I also have not had a haircut in a WHILE. Book me an appointment too and we can get lunch afterwards! YES! :-)

    hope you had a splendid weekend!


  16. To cute!!! I hope your schedule does indeed slow down soon! Can't wait to see your hair too! :)

  17. Those pics are so cute!! HAHA

    My hair has been waiting since January too. Ugh. I need to make that appointment!

  18. oh man my hair is FRIED!! I can't even remember the last time i had a hair cut. my hair hates me!!!

    and i wish i was the ashley you were getting to meet (booooo cancelled work trips) but one day VERY soon!

    hope the fuzzies simmer down and start behaving. you can ship them to me for a week if you need a break! i'm a great fur-baby aunt! :)

    hope your schedule slows down muffin!!
