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Six Years.



Six years ago today my life changed forever.

I was just getting in from a family vacation and Drew called me and asked if I wanted to come over. (Of course I did. I had just met the boy a few weeks prior, and I was TOTALLY smitten.)

I arrive to Drew's townhome and a big hug and smile awaited me.

I glanced over to the table and saw Sour Patch Kids and orchids (my fav. flower) waiting for me and then he went and sat on the couch. He patted the seat next to him and naturally, I go sit next to him. We talked and flirted and talked some more. Then Drew leans in and kisses me.

He came away from our kiss and looks at me straight in the eyes and says, "Shalyn, Will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded yes and then smothered him in more kisses because I'm awesome like that.

That night I will always remember.

SIX years with this man and I couldn't be any happier. We've been through a lot together and I really feel like I fall in love with him more and more and MORE every day. I know this is really corny, but y'all...the man is my freaking muffin. 

All I can do today is just Thank God for bringing us together and thank him some more.

June 27th 2006 will be a day that I will always ALWAYS hold near and dear to my heart. It was the beginning of a life long journey with the man of my dreams.

And here we are...married, in love, and with a baby on the way.  

 JUST JOKING ABOUT THAT LAST PART. I just had I was writing that sentence it just sounded right...but OH so wrong. Don't hate me. Yes, I realize that karma will come back and bite me in the butt. HAHA. (No Mom, I am not preggo yet!)

ANYWAYS, now that I'm done being all mushy and MEAN (<----Sorrryyyy) I leave for California today. I hope I will be able to have some fun but I have so much work to do so hopefully I can be productive on a plane. We shall see.

Happy Wednesday love bugs! MUUUUUUUUUUUAH! Oh, and if you can...please pray for me. Planes and I don't really like each other so much...and well, I'm just super nervous to be traveling by myself. :) Please and thank you!? :)

post circle 31 comments :

  1. Funny joke!! Congrats on 6 years, that is awesome!! & I fly out of a plane tomorrow and feel the same way about them... Safe travels!

  2. Awwwwwwwwwww! Seriously, the two of you have to be one of my absolute favorite couples ever. As someone who's had a little bit of bad luck, if you will, in the love department, I'm so glad to "know" you and see the beaming love that you and DDHP have for each other.

    I know every relationship has its ups and downs but what you said here is SO important and is something I look for in my next relationship - that you fall more and more and MORE in love!!!! No matter what. I'm SO happy for you - six years, that's so wonderful! [You totally got me by the way with the baby joke!!!]

    I'll be saying some prayers for you on your trip because, believe me, I don't do so well up in the sky either! MUAH!! xoxo

  3. Y'all are so cute! congratulations on 6 years together! It's a big accomplishment. My hubby and I are married for almost 5 1/2 years and in November we'll be together for 9 years. True love. You and I are both lucky to have found such great husbands.

  4. You are such a dork! I was about to get SO excited for ya'll :) You two are seriously the most precious couple on the face of the planet and are going to make the cutest babies.. some day ;) Safe travels lady!!

  5. Yay for love. Happy 6 years! Hope you enjoy your time in California!

  6. You are just so cute! happy 6 years!

    have an awesome time in california, I'm sure you'll make it on the plane bc you know it will be oh so worth it! but happy thoughts sent your way to make the flight better!


  7. So cute! I love when couples still celebrate "dating" anniversaries!

  8. lol omg you totally had me. Happy 6 YEARS!!!! Can't wait to meet you 2 next week. AH, that is so crazy typing that. Billy and I have been together 9 years this year and I know what you mean about falling more in love with him everyday. XOXO Be safe in cali!

  9. how sweet! i LOVE remembering those beginning dates, kisses and feelings such sweet memories and crazy to think those moments changed your life forever! love it! good luck traveling xoxo

  10. OMG I almost jumped out of my seat. Make a baby in California :-)

  11. hahaha totally just got excited when i read that line! happy 6 years! what a happy couple you two are and SO meant to be.

    but you totally got me. the sentence did sound good :)

  12. Happy 6 years!!! That's so awesome & exciting!!! :) Safe travels to Cali!

  13. yall make my heart SO happy. Happy dating-versary to the cutest couple i know :) :)

  14. when i read that sentence i was like,,OMG I MISSED SOMETHING!! loooove you guys

  15. I love you both to pieces!! You truly brighten my life for your funny, and dorky way of doing things! Hugs & Kisses to many more years my friend!!<3

  16. what a cute post! Love reminiscing on our dating years!

  17. I was so stinking excited for you when you said baby!! If your Mom read that I bet she was flooded with excitement. lol aw! poor mama. Have so much fun in clear lake! My boss is actually going camping up there next weekend. Apparently its the weekend to be there! :)

  18. so sweet :) we still talk about when we first started dating too (were hitting 5 years in september) and its great to still remember the moment even long after! xo

  19. Yay for 6 years! Your story is so sweet! And I thought I had missed the big announcement! Funny funny.

  20. You COMPLETELY just threw me for a loop with the baby part lol I literally just said WHAAAAAAAT out loud, in confusion that I missed the big announcement!

    Happy Anniversary :)

  21. You are so evil!!! Happy dating anniversary! Come visit me in Nor Cal!

  22. You two truly are one of my favorite couples and I just started following your blog a couple weeks ago!! The love you guys have for each other is so obvious. Ya'll are adorable. I love that ya'll still remember the dating anniversary because I think that stuff is just as important!

    It's nice having someone in your life that makes you melt each and every time you look at em'! Safe travels : )

  23. hahaha, way to throw some huge news in there and then be jus kidding! I was like awwww yay!...oh...hahaha. I've only just started following you for a few weeks (after I saw you in the call me maybe video!) but I think you guys are precious! Happy anniversary :)

  24. such a gorgeous picture! happy 6 years!

  25. Tearing up at work. Thanks a lot. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOX!

  26. Like everyone else, you totally got me! I literally shrieked out loud... :o( haha. Have a fabulous vacay!!! Xoxo

  27. Such a sweet story!! :) Happy dating anniversary!

  28. Congrats! And you are far braver than I am when it comes to the baby joke...I know it's not scientific but I can't help but feel that if I were to joke about it, it might come true. :P Besides, family is so impatient for babies anyways I don't want to get the topic on the minds anymore than it already is.

  29. california!! come to san francisco!!! :) and maybe some photographs?????? (seriously!)

  30. YAY for 6 years and counting, I love it!!! Congrats to you look happier and happier in each picture!!! <3
