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Last night...


I baked cupcakes.
They were delicious.
My stomach went nom nom nom.

The other day I was editing pictures, and was ALL done with a client. Literally, FINISHED. All I had to do was drag the folder to be burned onto the CD and D-O-N-E. In the process of dragging, I somehow deleted the entire folder. It was gone. FOREVER. I cried and cried and cried. I stayed on the phone with computer people for hours trying to find the files, and notta. I spent $50 on some website that promised to retrieve deleted files, and that didn't work. I was pretty emotional. Okay, so I through a fit. I cried, I screamed, I cursed, I was seriously SO UPSET. (This was the only session I hadn't saved to the hard drive an IDIOT.)

So what did I do?

I needed a hammer. I needed to hit something without hurting something.

I broke up tile mad-style...and it was FUN.

Andrew handed me the hammer and away I went.

Now I have a beautiful concrete hallway.


We ordered our floors (you can kind of see the sample chillin' there in the corner) and they won't be here for another week.

It is going to be "practice" for the rest of the house. I seriously can't wait to start transforming our home.

It's at such an empty stage where I don't want to put anything on the walls until I get a couch and lamps. That way I can match and play with colors and all that jazz. It's SO hard being patient sometimes. Things are just really expensive and it just isn't fair! :)

Moving on...

I guess while I'm here I will tell you about my wonderful Mother's Day weekend with my Mom.

So. Much. Fun.

Friday we took my Mom out to eat and went back to my brother's pad and hung out for a bit.

No pictures to show though...Sorry! :( I did get a pretty hilarious video of my Mom rapping in the car and "gettin' low" but I swore I wouldn't show a single soul. It's pretty great though. Whenever I need a pick me up, this will be my "go to" for sure.

Alrighty then! (Ace Ventura Style)

On Saturday, my Mom, Andrew and I went thrift store shopping. We went to a place downtown Austin and they had a tonnnn of stuff. I was browsing the furniture area, and then I heard Andrew say, "Babe! Check this out!"

What? MY husband actually enjoying thrift store shopping...and wait...he's actually LOOKING for a diamond in the rough? Oh yes...hell hath frozen over.

Low and behold...this little fella was asking to be taken home.
I almost imagined that sad animal commercial with the Sarah McLachlan song playing in the background. It was giving me those sad, sad eyes and that frown...

Well, it worked.

We packed her up in my Mom's tiny Mitsubishi Eclipse...

Oh yes. We made it fit. Good thing my Mom is the size of a sardine.


We dropped off my lil' friend, and went to see Something Borrowed.

It was the cutest movie EVER...A must see. PLEASE go see it. I LOVED it...and I'm so ready to go see it again. Any takers?

We then went shopping for the rest of the evening.

We stopped by the pet store and I fell in love with a girl. My head also looks like the size of a watermelon. Yay.
I want these fixtures so bad...
On Sunday, the girls got mani's and pedi's while the boys went and played golf. Ohhhhh yeaahhhh. Felt so good. I don't treat myself to these very often so I was on Cloud 9.
We went out to eat with my family and then came home and visited a little more.

It really was a great weekend...

And now...for a sneak peak of my little friend...She's holding up great.
I know you are probably wondering why there are weights on top. This, my friends is what you call an Aggie's way of "clamping" down a piece of wood to the top. We glued another piece of wood because the wood was cracked and torn on top. The weights are just helping apply the pressure to make sure it stays down. Whatever works right?
Did I mention it was only $30!?


post circle 19 comments :

  1. Lots of things to say about this post.

    Okay so I am jealous that you take the time to put the cupcakes on a pretty tier for decoration. I’m the type to just leave them in the muffin tin and grab as I eat. I need to be more fun cute and crafty as you! And those cupcakes look freakin’ delicious.

    I totally would have cried and threw a tantrum if that happened to me. Kurt is a computer geek/nerd so I must have gone to him a bazillionnn times to fix something on my computer! But yeah I would have done the same thing!

    I love that thrifty lil dresser! Isnt it amazing what you can find? Like you said…a diamond in the rough!! And speaking of that, what lense did you use to take that last photo of the paintbrush!?!? AMAZING PHOTO!!!

    Your pedi looks booootyful! I have a habit of almost kicking the woman in the face when I get my toesies done because I am so ticklish.


  2. Obsessed with puppy, dresser and cupcake stand. Like, WOW. And I'm the most awkward person in the world when it comes to pedicures. I giggle incessantly when they scrub my feet.

  3. I love the color you picked for your manicure ! And those cupcakes look soooo delicious. Ha. There goes my motivation to eat right ;)

  4. Awww Rocky looked just like that little babe when he was smaller!! literally identical. We should both just get another pom.... hmmm? haha

    So glad you had such a good weekend!!

  5. I loooove your cupcake stand!! Where did you get it? It's too freakin cute. Love your thrift store find too!!

  6. I need a pedi, Loving the dresser, pup is super cute and cupcakes are delish....that is all

  7. Those cupcakes look AMAZING!!!

    OH NO about the pictures! :(

    Good work on smashing tile!

    That dresser is amazing! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

    I laughed at the pic of your mom shoved in the back of the car! haha

    That puppy = so cute!

    I got a pedi last night... amazing!

    I want that giant chandelier too. SO badly!

  8. taker taker!!! right here! I will go see something borrowed with you! seriously!

    ok now I have calmed down... phew...

    I am so so sorry about your photos being deleted... I would have absolutely cried. 100% for sure. And lucky you having something to beat the you know what out of!

    May I PLEASE have a cupcake!? oh my gosh they look so delicious.

    I can't wait to see how awesome your new acquisition looks when it is all finished!


  9. Aw!! I'm so glad a not so great weekend turned out to be such a fantastic one!! :) And that you happened to have a tile floor to take your frustration out on. haha!

  10. I love that dresser! Can't wait to see what you do with it! And I LOVED Something Borrowed, too, and can't wait to see it again!! Too bad you live hours and hours away or you'd have a date! :)

  11. Wow, I love the dresser! Can't wait to see the end result!

  12. Those cupcakes look like a professional baker baked them! :)

    Love the dresser...what a great find!

    So sad about your pictures...that is enough to make you sick!

  13. four things. OMG on the lost pictures. Good thing your husband is awesome enough to think up hammering the floors away. Score one for him!

    Cupcakes look AMAZING.

    Your ring looks even more amazing.

    and I can't wait to come back and see the finished product of that dresser.

  14. I love this post!! More More, More, just like this one!! Can't wait to see your little transformation - what a steal for only thirty bucks! Ahh, all of my favorite blogs are posting their recent additions and home renovations. I can't wait to have my own place with TJ so I can take hammers and paintbrushes to everything. Have fun and enjoy this special time with your man - you are living memories in the making! xo

  15. 1. Those cupcakes look delicious. I want one!

    2. I'm sorry about your pictures, I would have thrown a fit too. Nice work on breaking up the tile though!

    3. That puppy is TOO CUTE.

    4. Love the nail polish color.

    5. I can't wait to see how the dresser turns out!

    That's all :)

  16. where do i start? those cupcakes look yuuuuuuuuuuumO! your mani pedi is amazeballs. but i think most of all.....i'm in love with your anger management skills ;)

    and i'm really sorry about the lost photos :(

  17. what a great post! looks like such a great weekend!

    the cupcakes look yummy! the dresser looks amazing, i know that it will look even better, great nail polish color, cute dog ... i can go on and on!

    but i am sorry that you lost the pictures :(

  18. Those cupcakes look absolutley amazing, and white dressers are amazingly girly and classic!!

  19. I cannot get over the fact that you lost those files- that would be beyond frustrating- hopefully you ate some of those yummy cupcakes to help;-) Glad your weekend turned out well- love your nails!
