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You will not believe what we found in our toilet last night.



That's right. A baby possum.

I'm sure if you follow me on Twitter, or if you're friends with me on facebook you already know about this little encounter.

Last night, I was upstairs on the computer and Andrew was downstairs. I heard him let the dogs outside to potty and I heard a lot of barking. Next thing I know, Andrew is screaming my name so I run downstairs as fast as I can thinking something had happened to one of my dogs.

"What's wrong!? What happened!?"

He stood there with a white towel and this disgusted and surprised look all over his face.


"Come here. You want to see something gross honey!?"

"What what what!?!?"

We make our way to our driveway and I see a tail and little legs sticking out the side of the towel.

Andrew says, "So, I was about to go to the bathroom, I raised the seat, and a rat was sitting there in the water."


"Is he dead? Did you kill it!? Don't kill it, just let it run away."

Andrew opens the towel, and to our surprise, a baby possum stood there...well, playing possum.

I ran upstairs to grab my camera and took a picture of the little guy.

I wanted to take him into our backyard so his Mom could find him but he ran under my car and wouldn't come out.

Now the question that everyone, including myself is asking...



I named him Harry Potter.

Get it? Hahahahahahaha. I'm so clever.

post circle 47 comments :

  1. oh my god, you handled this SO much better than I would have. I would have already packed up and moved out, and if I did stay I would be afraid that something would be there to bite me in the butt whenever I sat down.

  2. that is insane! but he's kinda a cute little guy.

  3. I screamed!....Seriously screamed

  4. hahah.. if I picked up the toilet lid and saw that in my toilet I more than likely would have had a heart attack. It is (kinda) cute in a way, but still..
    Now I'll be pondering how it possibly got in the toilet in the first place.

  5. OK baby possums are adorable! I probably would have handled it the same way you did lol =)

  6. When I saw your tweet last night I was like "WTF??" Seriously so strange. Something this hilarious and odd would only happen to you. ha!

  7. Bet cha check the toilet now before you sit your tooshy down on it LOL

  8. OMG! This is hilarious. What topped it off is that name you gave him. LOL. How the heck does a possum get into the toilet? :) Have a great day!

  9. Omg that is TOO funny! Love the name btw i totally get it hahah :)

  10. I would have been screaming if I opened the toilet lid and saw that!!

  11. Oh-my-gosh! That is the funniest thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  12. OMG shalyn!! thats insane!

    he is so itty bitty and little and cute!

    my first instinct would have been to scream and run out of the house! poor little guy! you handled it well my love!

    love the arry pottah reference ;)


  13. I'm fairly certain that something like this would ONLY happen to you, Shalyn. :)

    Poor little guy was just thirsty!!


  14. Wow!! I definitely would check the toilet every time I go or walk by! He is kinda cute though.

  15. wow that is so gross! but they are kinda cute when they are that little!

  16. How did it get in your toilet? Is there possums around your house? Maybe it snuck in and found the only water it could!

    Super bizarre though!!!

  17. Haha! This is a once in a lifettime thing! Geez. So glad you handled it as well as you did! :)

  18. oh my goodness!!! that is CRAZY!! i would have died....i love his name though! he's sorta cute all wet, huh?

  19. You guys were so brave and ready to take action! I would have FREAKED. Plus your name is perfect! Wow. So glad you got pictures. How in the heck did he get into your toilet??

  20. LOL wow, you handled this with a great humor. I would have been crying and refused to use the bathroom for weeks.

  21. OMG, that's crazy! I would have freaked out.

  22. OMG! I would have freaked!! The exterminator would have been called ... I would have the realtor over putting my house on the market. I'm dramatic, can't ya tell?! Ha!

  23. You crack me up Shay! I was going to text you last night to see what you named him! LMAO! HARRY POTTER!

  24.! I would have freaked out! Glad your hubby got him out!

  25. I would have been FREAKING out! How is that seriously possible?!

  26. Holy cow! I mean, Holy Possum! That thing was in your toilet bowl? That's the craziest shiz I have ever heard!!!! It looks like an awful little creature....stalking y'all out in your toilet bowl. Eeeww. Maybe all he wanted was his picture taken by the best photographer? See, his goal was accomplished.

  27. Hahahahaha I saw you talking about this on Twitter earlier... I would have freaked if I found that in my toilet! It's pretty funny though!

  28. Harry Potter! Hahahahaha. However, he is scary :/

  29. OMG! I would have screamed so loud then run to get a camera! Good thing you grabbed your camera!

    I'm your newest follower :)


  30. O my gosh! Hairy Potter! You are an absolute crack up :) Definitely made my day

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. oh. my. goodness. I would have freaked the heck out! The thing is pretty cute.....but it would definitely be less cute peeking at you from your toilet bowl! Wow...I would have made my guy search the whole house for more furry visitors. haha. Your blog is super cute :)

  33. I hate possums with a passion but I can't help but go "awwww" at this little furball! What a cutie! Odd that he was in your toilet somehow but hopefully his mommy and him were reunited! :)

  34. oh my GOSH!!! That is crazy, but the craziest part is that I have a very similar story. When I was in Southern CA visiting my grandparents, somehow a ferret got into the house and climbed INTO MY BED at night! It was the freakiest thing ever. Got pictures and everything... and after we called animal control, they came the next morning to take it and fly it to Arizona because ferrets are not legal in California! So funny I just had to tell you that I can relate! haha

  35. OMG. Wow- I would have completely freaked out!

  36. are you frickin' serious?! OMG! i am freaking out just thinking about it! you def. handled that well ... too well actually, haha.

    i pray no more visitors visit your toilet again!

  37. At least its cute...better than what I find in the toilet after my hubby uses it;-) totally kidding.

  38. That is insane!! WHAT?! How do you ALWAYS have THE craziest stories??? Wow. I feel bad for the little baby. :( I hope he found his family! Love his name btw!

  39. I absolutely love opossums
    There cuddly and loving an very protective of they're family .also they pur just like cats

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