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The weekend.


Happy Monday Lovies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was pretty good. I was actually home MOST of it, which is seriously a HUGE change for me considering I've had something every weekend for the past 9 weeks. Naturally, I had a crap ton to do at the casa and a mountain of pictures to edit, but other than that, it was nice to just be HOME (for more than 2 hours atleast! ;))
Mr. Furlee was our dinner guest on Friday night. Such a polite little furball.
1. My old college roommate/best fran stopped by to see me on Friday. But before she arrived...DDHP was in the mood to dance.

2. These would be baseboards in my office. On the floor. Ready to hitch a ride to the dump.
3. This would be pulled up nasty carpet in my office.
4.This would be my sexy husband putting in hardwood floors in my office. SAY WHAT!? I can't tell you how excited I am to transform my office into an inspiring little hut of AWESOMENESS. We have had these hard wood floors in our garage for over a YEAR just sitting there collecting dust. They were first purchased for the living room, but plans changed (more on that when I am allowed to ellaborate) and well...I'm not complaining. I'm super excited! :) Oh, and don't worry. I will be doing before and after pictures. Holla!

5. This would be oppossum NUMBER 3 that we have caught in our back yard. Saturday night I let the dogs out to go potty and as soon as I heard the high pitched barks, I KNEW we had another one. I swear they are living under our house. SO weird. Anyway, we put out cat food and when we woke up Sunday morning, "BAM!" There he is. Drew took him to be released far from the house.

See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
6. That's me after church on Sunday at our favorite Mexican Food restaurant. I sent this to Drew's friend because he fell over that railing a couple of months ago. Haha.
7. A bird pooped on Andrew at church. I couldn't stop laughing.
8. It's been raining NON-STOP so naturally, our backyard is FLOODED. Yay.
I also had meetings with clients, photographed a small ceremony in Salado, helped my brother get his crib upstairs for baby TY who should be here in the next 4 weeks, AND a volleyball game. It was busy, but SO good because I'm getting caught up on work. Is that a light at the end of the tunnel I see? HA, not quite but CLOSE! WHOOHOOOO! :)
Have a great day muffins!

post circle 15 comments :

  1. I saw one of those creepy suckers crossing the street near our house once... so weird. HAHA :)

    Can't wait to see the office redecorated!

  2. That was the most amazing booty dance eva! I can't wait to see your office once it's finished! JB is so creeped out by opossums he got weird when I showed him the instagram pic. LOL!

  3. Best booty dance! Yayyy for new floors. That creature is super creepy.

  4. I think I looked at that sweet puppy picture 10 times when you posted it, I am obsessed!!!!!!! And I was also swooning over your new wood floors. Our old house had original (1950s) hardwood and I miss them. We want to keep carpet for a while for when we have kids but I am dying for wood!!

  5. Ok....we have a disgusting little rodent just like that living in our back yard...did y'all buy that trap or get it from the city? We need one asap. My beagle goes crazy 5/7 nights because of this nasty little thing. And GO DDHP!!!! Magic who??? LOL!

  6. oh goodness I cannot believe that y'all have opposums in your backyard! hopefully #3 was the last one! and i love your new office floor!

  7. I just love when you post videos. You and your hubby always crack me up!

  8. so glad you finally got a weekend at home muffin! furlee is the cutest! AND wood floors in your office - that is going to be so fresh!!

  9. Your dog is ADORABLE!

    That possum is not!

    have a great week!

  10. DDHP booty quake. YA BABY!!!!!!! tell him to teach kurt some of those baby making moves!

    your little dinner guest. I DIE. how cute is he honestly!!

    i can't wait to see the office re-do! eee its going to look SO GOOD! can you blow up a huge pic of my face and make it the center of the room? that would set the mood for it I'm sure :)

    miss your face!

  11. Excited for before and afters!!!! My favourite :)

    Goooo DDHP!! Can he give booty-shakin' lessons!?

  12. That rain looks about as bad as it's been here all summer - I feel for you! Love the booty dance, Drew has some moves!
    Catherine x

  13. Your hubby is so hilarious! I love that he never has any apprehension in front of the camera. You either! Cute couple alert!!

  14. Looks like a very productive weekend, and I think a booty dance is always in order! Oh how I adore you both!!! :)
