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Something to laugh at...


Hey sweeties!

It's been a rough week, so thank you so much for all the sweet words in my last post. I seriously love you guys!

I'm lacking words today, so I thought I'd post some videos that have made me smile and laugh this week.

Who knows? Maybe this will make your day? :)

(BTW, please go turn off my music at the bottom of my page. I need to find out how to turn it off sorry for the inconvenience.)

This is sad that there are girls out there like this. Bless her drunken heart.

My co-worker and I keep repeating "Nighttime!...Daytime!" I love the birds that crack up at each other too. "Ellen! Ellen! Ellen!"

I hope you appreciate this. So stinking funny.

Ouch. I have a feeling if she keeps wearing this clown mask that she is going to be a single lady for a very long time.

Doesn't this just melt your heart?? :)

Have a wonderful day ladies!

post circle 17 comments :

  1. The first one - I LOST it at Eunice. Wow. That girl has think? Hilarious and sad! Lol.

    Shalyn, call me. K? 'Cause, you know. And I loved your shirt.

    Sophisticated Steps

  2. Um, dying over that first video. If someone ever left me that long of a message, I'm not sure if I could make it through listening to it:)

  3. awww I am loving the animal video. I got through half, but per usual I'm running a little late.

    Oh and your playlist started in the middle of my video viewing so I thought the animals were getting romantic because "marry me" was playing hehe

    Youtube is definitely the place to go for a pick me up!
    Hugs girlie!


  4. OMG I am obsessed with those animal videos! "ALAN! ALAN!" And the bird doing the Michael Jackson dance..I could watch them all day long.

  5. Animals: DIED with the giraffes and beat-boxing chipmunk. Yes, then there's "Ellen"!

    Clown: Baaahaaahaaa!!!
    Question #1: What does wearing a horrid mask add to the act? Hmmm?
    Question #2: Why would she still put it on YouTube?

    THANKS for the laughs!!!

    Sophisticated Steps

  6. Laughter is the best medicine, right?

  7. I almost fell off my chair laughing at that first one.... it felt like it lasted FOR-EVER.... seriously priceless, thanks for sharing!
    Have a great day " Because you deserve it Ryan" !
    Oh boy...

  8. I lost it on the last video. That little Corgi stinkin cute hahaha ps-hope you are feeling better! :)

  9. How cute!!! Yes, I need to talk to you about the wedding photographer! I'll email you now. Peace out!

  10. I'm loving that corgi flop! Loving it! It made me smile so much! Thank you!

    Cori @

  11. The beyonce one is hilarious omg I died laughing.. and the corgie one is adorable I need to get my puppy a vest too so he can hop in!

  12. I loved all of these. The monkey dentist skit had me laughing out loud. Thanks for sharing!

  13. hahaha i've seen that clown mask one before and it cracks me up every time

  14. hahaha i loved watching these!
    thanks for sharing.
    oh hey that first girl is craazzzyy.
    the sad thing, i KNOW girls like that.
    haha. oh boy.

  15. hilarious! dying over that first one. hope you are having a MUCH better weekend love!

  16. Oh my gosh. Each and every one of these videos added something amazing to my day. I am, like, almost crying right now. HA!!!
